uno: like an insect trapped in amber. text.

Aug 10, 2011 00:27

And when I see the final day, the day of the last voyage,
The ship that never comes again will lift the anchor free
You'll find me boarded with the crew, with barely any luggage
My body bare beneath the sun, like children of the sea.

You will have to forgive me my, quite probably poor, translation - I have had quite a long day. I always admired these words; always admired all Machado's words, I admit. Perhaps, I had a sense somewhere in my soul that they would become truer and more literal than I ever imagined.

I suppose, before sharing poetry, I should have introduced myself. Dr Caesares, and I suppose I will be staying here a while.

the old sage and fool, campos de castilla, poetry from the soul, man of science (with exceptions), espanyol por favor

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