Oct 07, 2011 17:41
[Warden filter]
I think it may be wise for us all to check in with the location and well-being of our inmates, as at least one inmate has gone missing - and it may be worth ascertaining whether this is a one off occurrence, or something involving more than one person, so we can work together to find out why and how this might be happening.
That is, if it is more than one person, as I say.
If anyone has seen Mr Jim Profit, please let me know immediately. If anyone else's inmate is missing, we ought to meet up and work together.
[Private to Prefect]
A thought just struck me, actually.
Do you have any obvious enemies, or anyone with an... unhealthy obsession with you? The sort which might end in them wishing you harm, or hiding you away from the Barge in general?
I was merely wondering if there might be a case of mistaken identity.
[Private to Jim]
Anything in response. Please. I'm looking for you, Nygma is too, and I've had to tell the others now.
[Private to Nygma]
Anything as yet?
not for profit and yet for profit,
a catalan dragon,
cool as a cucumber on ice,
ghosts in the arid air,
off stage: wtfbbqfml!,
cracks in the earth