WHO: Connor
ialwayshadasoul and Xander
eyesocketparty WHAT: Chatting online and catching up
WHEN: Last night
WHERE: On the internets - from Kamino and Dracula's Palace
WHY: They missed each others!
WITH: lots of random. Seriously. Hawhyee and wall-defying Draculas included. And mention of Slinkies.
Conversation with eyesocketparty
ialwayshadasoul: Xander?
eyesocketparty: Hey Connor, how's the weather? Bad um bump.
ialwayshadasoul: Less hurricaney and more summer squally - hence being able to actually find some sort of connection. How're you holding up?
eyesocketparty: Less hrricaney is good. I'm...better. Living in a castle in the middle of nowhere with a guy you want to punch in the fangy teeth half the time does wonders for therapy.
ialwayshadasoul: Do you get to punch him in the fangy teeth occasionally? (I still can't believe you're hanging out with *Dracula* of all people)
eyesocketparty: No, on account of the fact I'm not suicidal. (He's alright, imagine your dad with less a feel for technologly and fewer morals and you have him pegged)
ialwayshadasoul: Anyone around TO punch? Might help. (fewer morals? I like him already.)
eyesocketparty: There's...um..trees? They kinda hurt. (He keeps driving his motorcycle into the walls)
ialwayshadasoul: I knew I should have hung around. (get a video, I have to see that)
eyesocketparty: Nuh uh. You're in KAMINO. If you walked away from an opportunity like that, I might have been forced to shoot you. (Will do! He doesn't get turning)
ialwayshadasoul: There's some kind of weird time-thing going on, Boba Fett's, like, FIVE. ...I babysat last night. (lemme guess, he figures the wall should jump out the way?)
eyesocketparty: That's.....I'm trapped between 'so very freakin' awesome' and 'my god, that's distrubing'. (Exactly that. Even walls should obey the great Count Dracula)
ialwayshadasoul: Me too. I couldn't think of anything to do, so I started teaching him some tracking stuff... Am I going to mess up continuity, or did it already happen, and if it already happened, is it my fault he got Han Solo? (I really need to meet this guy)
eyesocketparty: I wouldn't worry about it, space time continuums only get weirder and more complex the more you think of them, and then you reall do end up messing something up (I'll bring you to meet him when you get back, dunno what he'll make of you, should be fun)
ialwayshadasoul: You should tell that Andrew guy - he'd have a cow, I'm sure. (Does he know what I did to you?)
eyesocketparty: I did. He stopped breathing, for, like 2 minutes. (Yeah, I don't think he minds so much, everybody is inferior to him anyway)
ialwayshadasoul: Two minutes wouldn't cause any brain damage, even in Andrew, I think. (I wasn't sure if he'd prefer he'd done his sort rather than my bastardisation is all.)
eyesocketparty: He seemed okay after, even if he was speaking in the sort of pitch that only dogs could hear. (He thinks proper vampires are bastardisations, too. Though since he lost his vamp!magic, he's got to deal with being a regular vamp, too. He's broken a lot)
ialwayshadasoul: And you, apparently. He's a nice kid, though - Kinda weird knowing who he'll grow up into. (I wonder if he can regain his special stuff?)
eyesocketparty: Yeah and...huh what? Did I miss an Andrew memo? (Maybe, he'll have to be extra nice to Willow and maybe she can find something. Shes good with vamp-spells)
ialwayshadasoul: Andrew memo? (Funny that the slayer's witch (no offense) hangs out with so many vampires)
eyesocketparty: Oh you mean the other kid, thought you meant geek boy. Not that we have meeting without Andrew....because that would be bad. (This is true, Willow is the only one of us with a fondness for them, though. Maybe it's cause she bonded with her alternate self in a twisted way)
ialwayshadasoul: You're making less sense than usual..... (must be)
eyesocketparty: Am I? That's good means I'm healing. (Plus she hugs Spike. I think he gave her a disease)
ialwayshadasoul: That's good. Is the Romanian Prince feeding you decently enough? (He's not THAT bad.)
eyesocketparty: Yes, he is, he bitched a lot about going 'all the vay into town for pig blood vhen there are prefectly good peasants nearby', but I convinced him. (......We ARE talking about the same Spike here, right? Bleach blonde? English accent? Smokes a lot?)
ialwayshadasoul: Nice of him to do that, though. (owns a sex shop.....that's easy to steal from)
eyesocketparty: Yeah, well, he gets lonely and I think I'm the only being in all the known universes who can put up with his company for more than an hour. Even his wives get annoyed with him (Okay...one point for Spike. Still doesn't erase my living-with-Spike memories. The guy's a slob)
ialwayshadasoul: You could always bond over having difficult 'wives' then. (only because it bugs people. have you SEEN how organised his shop is?)
eyesocketparty: You don't throw stilletos at my head....or at least I hope you won't start doing that...you won't right? They look like they hurt. (Namely me. No, because I make every effort not to be within eyesight of him)
ialwayshadasoul: They do, had to wear a pair once. They make decent weapons, though - straight at the temple, tiny hole - virtually untraceable. (Just sayin'.)
eyesocketparty: .....Scared now. (I still don't like him. He's a bastard)
ialwayshadasoul: What? (Quite possible, I've never heard mention of a mother)
eyesocketparty: That I may have a stilleto in my head (Oh he had one, that's a messy story. I meant along the I dont like him kind of bastard)
ialwayshadasoul: Wasn't planning on it. (oh. sure thing.)
eyesocketparty: Thank you :D (I like Angel less)
ialwayshadasoul: Hungry tho. (That's two of us.)
eyesocketparty: Guess they don't have much of the red stuff in space, huh? (He's a jerk)
ialwayshadasoul: Didn't think to pack any either. I'm going to see if I can work something out with the cloning facility. (Class A)
eyesocketparty: Cloning is good, be careful and you know all of it already.(With stupid hair)
ialwayshadasoul: Ha freaking ha. (*snort*)
eyesocketparty: :D (Thank you, I'm here all night)
ialwayshadasoul: No big plans, huh?
eyesocketparty: For what?
ialwayshadasoul: Tonight.
eyesocketparty: Not really, sitting in my chambers under protest 'cause Drac thinks I'm gonna clean out his chimney. Chim chimmy chim chim cheroo.
ialwayshadasoul: No offense, but you're no Dick Van Dyke.
eyesocketparty: No, I'm not. I couldn't dance on the roof without breaking my neck. He seems to be under the impression I can stop gravity for his sake.
ialwayshadasoul: Well, this IS the man who thinks he can drive a motorcycle through walls....
eyesocketparty: Yeah. He really doesn't get the forces of the universe at all.
ialwayshadasoul: I imagine it must be difficult... seeing how he practically WAS one.
eyesocketparty: I guess so. Still, makes me want to smack my head against the wall a lot.
ialwayshadasoul: Maybe if you do it enough, it'll oblidge and hop out of the way.
eyesocketparty: Har har.
ialwayshadasoul: :)
eyesocketparty: Thbbt, I say, thbbbt.
ialwayshadasoul: that's not nearly as effective in text
eyesocketparty: I guess not. I'm still thbbting at the screen.
ialwayshadasoul: HAHA!! now there's a mental image - and I DO mean mental. ;)
eyesocketparty: I'm as mentally healthy as a very mentally healthy thing.
ialwayshadasoul: Who's also living with the fabled Wall-Defying Dracula.
eyesocketparty: Well...yes... God, that sounds weird.
ialwayshadasoul: Yes, Xander, yes it does. But then I'm living on Kamino right now, and who'd believe me, either?
eyesocketparty: True, your's is WAY weirder than mine.
ialwayshadasoul: What, just because it's interplanetary?
eyesocketparty: Exactly :D
ialwayshadasoul: :P
eyesocketparty: I'll thbbt again
ialwayshadasoul: Beware the thbbt. What are you, Opus?
ialwayshadasoul: Oh wait, no, it was Bob the Cat who did that. Opus was the deformed Penguin.
eyesocketparty: I was gonna say.
ialwayshadasoul: Shutup, knowledged shoved isn't knowledge earned. Gets mixed up sometimes.
eyesocketparty: At least you didn't call me Pickles
ialwayshadasoul: I have some sense of decency.
eyesocketparty: I appreciate that.
ialwayshadasoul: Of course you do. You're dating me because I'm suave and deboinair - it has nothing to do with the fact that we're both horny as hell and you smell divine. Of course.
eyesocketparty: Of course. Plus we look hot in tight pants.
ialwayshadasoul: You do, at least. Best ass ever.
eyesocketparty: You do too, you know, nice and tight. Plus you slink a lot. Slinking is good. :D
ialwayshadasoul: I slink?
eyesocketparty: Yep. Slinky slink.
ialwayshadasoul: ... *Slink*???
eyesocketparty: Yeah. Like a cat...pire. Everybody loves a slinky, you know.
ialwayshadasoul: So you're saying I do back-bends down the stairs, now? ;)
eyesocketparty: ..................................
eyesocketparty: My brain just went to a VERY happy place :)
ialwayshadasoul: Glad to provide the happy?
eyesocketparty: Mmmmmm happy
ialwayshadasoul: (miss you)
eyesocketparty: (miss you too)
ialwayshadasoul: So, other than Motorcycula, what else are you up to down there?
eyesocketparty: Well, I have a few hours of brooding, a little go in the training grounds, cleaning.
ialwayshadasoul: What kind of training?
eyesocketparty: General keep fight stuff. I rigged one of his weird dummies up and staked it lots.
ialwayshadasoul: I'm sure that was great for therapy - I hope he didn't flip out.
eyesocketparty: Nah, it's that whole inferior to him complex again, he's not too afraid of stakes.
ialwayshadasoul: That's something, I guess. Ever thought to ask him to teach you some stuff? He was a real demon back before he was Turned into one - might have some good moves.
eyesocketparty: Yeah, I guess. I might do that. Might have to put up with being called 'Manservant' again, though.
ialwayshadasoul: *chuckle*
eyesocketparty: It's demeaning.
ialwayshadasoul: You should get a cravat
eyesocketparty: ...................There aren't enough 'nos' in the world.
ialwayshadasoul: What about one with, like, Darth Vader on it or something?
eyesocketparty: ..........
eyesocketparty: Maybe
ialwayshadasoul: See? Upside to anything.
eyesocketparty: That would be fun. Totally lost on Drac, but still fun
ialwayshadasoul: :)
eyesocketparty: :D
ialwayshadasoul: You know, the first thing I'm going to do when I get back, is go someplace WARM and SUNNY.
eyesocketparty: We could got to Florida, or Hawaii or somewhere with the warm sunnies.
ialwayshadasoul: That would be so awesome.
eyesocketparty: Yeah. Let's do Hawaii, I always wanted to go to Hawaii. I like saying it. Hawaii. Hawaii.
ialwayshadasoul: It should be spelled hawhyee.
eyesocketparty: Hawhyee?
ialwayshadasoul: Hawaii looks like you should say "Hah-Wah-ee-ee".
eyesocketparty: Oh that, yeah, isn't language fun?
ialwayshadasoul: Bizarre, you mean.
eyesocketparty: That too.
ialwayshadasoul: It's hilarious.
ialwayshadasoul: So, what do they call a manservant's boytoy? ;)
eyesocketparty: I don't know, want me to ask him :D
ialwayshadasoul: You should. I want a title, too ;)
eyesocketparty: Something that describes your place well...Hmmm...This will take some pondering.
ialwayshadasoul: Ponder away, Mister Manservant Man, Ponder Away!
ialwayshadasoul: \0/
eyesocketparty: Manservant Man! I need a cape :D
ialwayshadasoul: Just don't start wearing your undies on the outside.
eyesocketparty: Nah, I'll leave that to Andrew.
ialwayshadasoul: I didn't need that image, Xander. Thanks.
eyesocketparty: You're welcome, may it dance through your dreams tonight, humming the Batman theme.
ialwayshadasoul: ...and now I have images of adam west in underoos.
eyesocketparty: Wow. That's disturbing.
ialwayshadasoul: you must suffer with me.
eyesocketparty: Thanks, love, I appreciate that.
ialwayshadasoul: :)