It's only been a couple of hours since I got this little journal thing, but a very eventful couple of hours. Things really aren't working like I would like them to.
- Sarah and Katie where in a car accident, I told Tulip and, well, she's kind of upset, I didn't mean to stress her out more, I just didn't want her to have to hear like, second hand or something.
- Virginia sucks right now. I wish I another country, one with snow preferably, and like...going down a mountian...but, come to think of it, it's about 9 at night in the other ocuntries with snow, and so I shall opt to wait for a better hour, because it's cold when it's dark.
- I'm trying to convince Jessi to say that all of her friends should add me...she added me, which makes her cool. hmmm...right!
- College is stressful, the paternal figure of my life wnated me to go here BEFORE the mission, so that I would be close, and get like, the beginning college classes over with, and then when i get back i can transfer to some other that will let me become a docter.
- I found the girl I want to marry....sadly she is not old enough to get married and I'm getting ready to go on a mission, and she's so pretty that some other guy will snatch her up before I get back, which kind of sort of sucks, since she is like awesome, but ya know...maybe... I don't know.
- The girl I want to marry sucks. Not really, but sort of. She thinks we're "just friends" which sucks because 've already been introduced as a "friend" and that makes it seem so perminant! aaaah.
- I read a book today, like, a big long book. Ok, I almost read a book, since I only have two of the 37 chapters to go-and to tell the truth, I started the book yesterday- but yes, it's a book from the series "Children of the Promise" and it's awesome. What's sad is that my love finished it before me. Darn-it, she reads fast...that has nothing to do with anything.
am the luckiest guy in the world. I shall update later as to the state of Sarah and Katie...ok, katie is fine, she called me and told me, but I'm really worried about the other half.
Have a good Sunday every one!