Feb 10, 2005 10:33
I had THE WEIRDEST hanson dream last night.
So okay, i was hanging out with some teeny bopper fansons. They stole some of zacs hair (from his head) and he wanted it back (wtf?!). Well, the girls didnt know that i knew him. So i rode with them and volunteered to take the hair back because he was REALLY pissed. So i go to take him the fake hair, and hes smiling at me and all cool with me. Its not his hair, so he gets pissed. Suddenly, the two of us and ike and tay are standing in a garage surrounded by screaming fans. We were all talking, then the dream switched. I was helping them escape from a school/tv store because so many girls were chasing them. I climbed up some appliances, leading them up to a balcony. Then we had to climb down this brick wall. I was too scared, and the wall was about to crumble. They made it down but the thing fell down with me in it. Thats all i remember on that part of the dream...
I'm weird.