Nov 26, 2005 23:50
I needed this long weekend, im so sick of school, and its not even half way done! nor and i a senior! its kinda bad.. But i did enjoy my weekend..
Thursday 11/24-Thanksgiving was great, my family makes me giggle, and chris came with us so it was a good time.
Friday 11/25- cleaned all day, and then hung out with my boy all night <3 i enjoy him a lot...and no one is going to take him away from me...he means way to damn much to me for someone to get in the way of us. He makes me happy, and if someone loved me as much as they say they do, then they would want me to be happy..or at least i think soo...:-/...urgg...<><><>LiFeS cOnFuSiN SoMtImEs<><><>
Saturday today- today was a good day, i hung out with the girls almost all day..we went to the mall at noon, for 4 hours, i bought nothing sept food and lip gloss, it was a good time, we tried on dresses <3 we havnt went there in a long time, so we were due! then i came home and did nothing, and then i went out with my girls again to get some hot coco and then we chilled at Saras for a while watched the notebook and just hung out! it was fun, man do i miss them! i love those too tho, they complete my life!
Even tho i had a good day from the outside, behind the scenes is a whole different story, lotta things are in my head right now, i really need a vacation to think about things...i duno tho...-sigh-
--behind the scenes--behind the curtain-- theres a whole nother story :-/