This is not a public journal, and I have a number of filters that are group specific. If you wish to read particular filters, then let me know (if you haven't already):
Friends/circle - anyone who is on my friends list/in my circle. This will include some of my religious thoughts/activites that are not specific for Remetj + above in the faith. [automatic add - if you can read this post, then you are on this list]
Religion - only people who have access to the private boards on the House of Netjer forum will be allowed access here, as I may discuss things that are specific to the religion. Not everything that is in here is necessarily in that category, but if I am discussing something religious that I am unsure it is suitable to anyone, I'll be putting this filter on it. [if I know you from the HoN, chances are that you've been automatically added]
Art - for those interested in looking at my art. It will have uploads of my art work (usually having something to do with my religion) and stuff like that. [request only. Image heavy posts]
Astral - anyone on my friend's list who requests access will get this, the filter is so those who are not interested don't get spammed with it! It's a record of my thoughts/practices on my journey to attempt Astral Projection. [request only]
Divination - another one where anyone on my friend's list who requests access will get. It's a record of my experiences with Divination (in particular my Oracle cards, Tarot cards and Runes). [request only]
Dreams - another one where almost anyone on my friend's list who requests access will get it. It is a record of my dreams, and as such may reveal some personal aspects of myself so I may deny access to those who I don't yet feel comfortable with sharing, until I feel I have gotten to know you better. Denied access should not be taken personally, nor as a "never get access" type of deny. I may still let you have access at a later date, after reading your journals/interacting in other places around the net/in life, over time
Sau - you MUST be a Sau Magician to access these posts. Acceptance to the list may take time, while I verify that you are a Sau. This will discuss the 'discussable' components of the Sau lessons. [request only. Must already be in the Sau program and produce evidence (i.e. email on the Sau mail list)]
Cross Posted at Dreamwidth Account -