Your religion ain't got nothing on my.....uh girlfriends religion, yo.

Apr 20, 2005 15:28

Well last weekend was Laos new year, for all you Laos's out there, you dirty dirty Laos's you HAR HAR HAR! Anyway, incase none of you know, on the Laos New year the whole family; mother, daughters, sons, cousins, and apparently now, daughters boyfriends, all have to pay respect to him.

The way they pay respect is buy getting on our knees(I know, this sounds sketchy and incestuous already)in front of him(In our case there was a small silver metal bucket, normally used for incense burning, that had about 5 white flowers in it, I dont know if this is recommended). Then one by one we place the arm that is not receiving the bracelet in a position that looks like your blocking your face from the sun, and he ties an orange bracelet around your other wrist, rubs the ends together, and says something in Laos. As he puts the bracelet on you, the other surrounding people who are paying respect must place there hand somehow on you, or on someone who is already in contact with you.

When everyone has given respect and received the sweet bracelet(It's orange string braided and then tied around your wrist)We all in unison(still on your knees)put your hands palms touching(like your praying, cause I guess you kinda are)to your face, and then come down to the ground and touch both hands to the ground. YOu this three times, while chanting something in Laos. I dont know exactly what is said but it's something to the effect of "Live a long life, be healthy".

It was interesting. This took place after I came to her house yesterday, after father gave me a beer at like 6:30. After we did the showing of respect towards him everyone left him alone except me, and we chatted up Buddhism and his road rage. Then he went to show me his meat clever that he threatened some neighborhood kids throwing rocks into his driveway with. I am in no way religious, but think it is a very interesting religion. One based on respect for one's elders and teaches good morals and importance in family. I feel they do so in better ways than I the catholic church ever could. Plus, there god is fat, you gotta have respect for an indulging tubby who lets you celebrate other religious holidays other than your own.

TK's last night and some good lovin. Lovin's been good the past two days. It might have been because we went over a week without it(Moses)and the more I get attached to someone the better it becomes. Which is why I like getting attached before knocking boots, but eh, whacha gonna do?

Oh yeah, sorry Spen about last night. TK's was kinda late, and then I got booty and passed out. Then Dan woke me up for a 4:20 blunt at 12 o'clock and then, yeah, sleep. Sorry.

HAPPY 4:20!!!!

Much Glove homos
Brohan -0ut-
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