thumbs up, elbows out, FEETS apart,...

Jul 03, 2004 14:16

this has been a great week since i last updated!

Wed: didnt go to gate city bc i was soo tired so i slept all day & babysat that night.

Thurs: 1 of the best days at gate city ever! we played games all afternoon & me & christine were incharge of the 12-13 yr-olds. they were so fun today! they kept dunking buckets of water on us & we went down the slip-n-slide like a million times!! at one station they had to wrap a counselor in toilet paper, but they couldnt decide btwn us so they wrapped me & christine together! we were back to back & had our arms linked-they tapped us & everything! then we walked together to the other side of the field to show everyone & they ended up pushin us down the slip-n-slide!! they piled on us & we were soaked & covered in wet globs of toilet paper! oh man-so fun!!
that night was bible study-i took melinda to & from-i'm glad her mom let her come. there were actually alot of ppl there so that was exciting!

Fri: last day of gate city :( we had a carnavel & it was so fun-moon walks, huge blow up slide (that did flip over when katy & cam were on it), tons of games, cook out, & loud ghetto worship music! we did alot of group dancing-crazy! lots of sad goodbyes-i managed not to cry but grace & abby were hysterical they whole way home. i gave Adrian (1 of the blk guys from gate city) my cell #-i wasnt going to but all the other blk guys were there & they were saying if i gave him my # they could call us & we could all hang out-& i want to hang out w/ them so i did it-i didnt know that he would text me 39419047519 times. he keeps asking when we're going to hook up & if he can call me-he told me we make a cute couple, which i'm not seeing since he's like 6'5'' blk & i'm 5'2'' white!!
me, jill, cam, & katy saw DodgeBall last night-funniest movie i've seen since Dumb & Dumber & Austin Powers!! we were cracking up the whole time! then we went & saw allisons hamsters-so cute! & i spent the night w/ katy :)

things to do soon:
1) read summer reading books & write papers
2) go to tanning bed--badly!!
3) get stuff for camp
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