I was too lazy to procrastinate.

Apr 10, 2007 08:53

LJ + Photobucket = <3
^ I read this and thought "Livejournal + Photobucket is less than three...What? Ohhhh."

I was an emotional catastrophe this weekend. It was terrible. I was ecstatic, and then four minutes later I was horribly depressed.. and just crying.. over dumb stuff too! "I DON'T WANNA GO BACK TO SCHOOL!!" Ladies and gentlemen, I digressed about 15 years this weekend. I don't really understand.. I tried to blame it on hormones, but I realized I don't have any of those. Or I refuse to admit having those.. either way, hormones won't be discussed in this entry.

But then again...

Boy came home this weekend and it was fanfabulastic (<== take THAT Webster!). We went to maymont and saw the BUNNIES and baby chickadees and all the little pumpkins that were just born. I think the lamb was the cutest, and the goat(kid) comes in second place. I must have driven him crazy too because I know I had alll the emotions this weekend and I spent 50% of the weekend not bitching at him.. so the other 50% had to be bitching at him or sleeping.. and I really didn't do much sleeping.. but he still managed to make it out of the weekend alive and well, and he also managed to say he had a good time. And I had a good time, which is all I can really comment about anywho. ♥ it's really sweet to know that someone likes you regardless of how much of a meanie pants you are ♥

I got a NEW Journal. I don't like it as much. It's on xanga.. and my user name is DanniAshley kinda like my real name..cuz it is. I haven't been posting a bunch.. I just have an utter lack for the usage of the english language. I'm sorry.

I have a class.. but my teacher hasn't showed up since afore spring break.. so.. I think I'm gonna take a nap. And then work on the work that I should have been working on before.


Much ♥ in'

I bought the cutest undies the other day.. I know, I know, that's prolly tmi but they were so adorable I just wanted to tell the world.. of all the things to tell the world about.. right? Hey.. I had a giftcard so :-P
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