comickal: so very very WRONG...

Jun 10, 2008 13:05

More likely. Definitely more likely. Also, where was the smiting? There should have been smiting! (Also: Webcomic humor.)

Technically, nothing below this line in this entry is probably safe for work. Nekkid cartoon peoples doing nekkid cartoon things and referring to nekkid cartoon body parts ahead! (Also, apparently men are stupid.)

Morning Wood Nymph

Even prehistoric superheroes aren't supposed to do THAT.

I do not believe I have ever seen "magical thinking" made to mean quite ... that.

I actually know someone this happened to. Of course, what they don't say is that it requires a few configuration steps and web pages and whatnot, but nonetheless.

FINALLY, the storyline ends. I hope.

Depends on the circumstances, I should think. (Also, that's just weird. You should at least wait until someone's wearing one, ideally. Of course, in that case, you must fear the leaf blower and its deadly winds! FEAR IT!)

...EEEEEUUUUWWWW! (That last one, mostly.)

As mentioned in the previous entry, the restaged "Ladies who Lunch" from last year's revival of Company. Sound sync is a bit off, but you can see what I mean when I say that it's not allowed to stop the show:

image Click to view

Just for the hell of it, the only genuinely fun song in "Company", plus a nearly invisible John Barrowman for those who care for that sort of thing.

image Click to view

It is, perhaps, just a bit over the top in this performance. A bit.

musicals, webcomics

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