first night

Dec 25, 2015 18:21

So, all the Kool Kidz were doing Musical Advent over on Twitter, and I decided to do something a bit different. (Not least because I Tweet not.) I decided to do something for the Twelve Days of Christmas.

For reasons that make logical sense, but have nothing to do with any liturgical calendar that I know of, most people seem to think that the Twelve Days of Christmas refers to the twelve days before Christmas.


It's the twelve days from Christmas to Epiphany, January 6. Epiphany commemorates either the visit of the wise men to the Christ child some time after his birth, or the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan river. (Depending on whether your flavor of Christianity is Western, or is Eastern Orthodox of some sort.) The night before Epiphany is Twelfth Night, when this experiment may conclude.

Hey, it may conclude earlier. I'm not best at daily posting these days.

The only rule, such as it is, is that the majority of items will come from albums purchased this year. Generally, only one song per night. There will be one or two exceptions, as will be noted. Also, just because I bought it this year doesn't mean it was released this year; some will be from last year or even well before that. (By the by, you have no idea how surprised I am that I actually have 12 albums purchased this year. It's mostly E-Music's fault, I think.)

Oh, and in general, it's the music that matters; you need only pay attention to the videos if you want. Exceptions will be noted, again.

So, let us begin on a comparatively cheery note. And, of course, with a small exception: two videos, and the videos herein are very loosely linked -- and the first may be a bit tricky if you don't watch, since there are some interpolations into the song.

The first was Yemi Alade's big pan-African hit ... and starts with a really odd variant on "Cheaters". As far as I can tell, nothing seems to have gone as big after. The album, "King of Queens" (which is, I'm pretty sure, is a reference to Hatshepsut and not to any US sitcoms or burroughs) is well worth the price overall. The second is, videographically speaking, technically a direct follow from the first, but that gets discarded in about five seconds.

And the nominal sequel, which brings to mind the question, "Didn't your mother tell you not to sing in traffic?" (You'll know what that means when you get there, if you watch.) I am ... mildly puzzled at how Selebobo acts during his chunk of the video. Prime creeper, although she just dismisses him as a nuisance, and that's the end of that.

An odd thing that I've heard in a few different Nigerian artists: almost every song stars with them singing/telling you who is singing the song you're hearing, all of the important people. Which happens here sometimes, to be sure ... but almost every song on her album does that. And most of those also call out the recording company, which NEVER happens here. (Though I think Prince, during his royal dingbattitude phase, and George Michael would have said some ... INteresting things about their record companies during certain times.)

music, twelve nights

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