Again, mostly for Col, though others will hopefully enjoy.
I'm not entirely sure the world is ready for a completely unVictoryRolled Janelle Monae.
I'm getting really curious about what The Electric Lady is going to be. Both releases so far have seemed very tied to the Archandroid concept, but at the same time, as songs, they seem to stand alone possibly a bit better than anything from "The Archandroid" or "Metropolis: The Chase Suite" did.
I'm also curious as to what sort of package it's going to be. The expanded version of "The Archandroid" included not only music, but music videos, behind the scenes videos, interviews, and PDF liner notes. It was also something like 500MB at a point in time where Comcast was enforcing a 2TB limit, and download speeds were much slower -- and you couldn't find out anywhere on iTunes exactly what was in the download or how big it was. Very vexing, that was, although ultimately worth it.
Allegedly, The Electric Lady drops on September 10. I say "allegedly" because release dates are notoriously flexible, and in my admittedly limited experience, items dropping on their original release dates are far more infrequent than items dropping weeks or months later. (The aptly titled next Anita Baker album, "Only Forever", has, to date, slid epochally from March 2012 to ... possibly August. Or maybe October. I don't know. Neither does anyone else.)
And, yes, in theory, there will be updates of slightly more substance in the vaguely near future. In theory. Slightly.
-- Originally posted at, where there are