Or possibly, Everything Old Is New Again.
Time time time - So, not that this has any relevance to this link or anything, but: when I went into Sears recently to replace a battery in my wrist watch (turned out the watch was just plain dead), I had a few minutes to look at the wares they were offering, because the watch repair place was also where they kept the timepieces. And timepieces they did have, too! Wall clocks, desk clocks, alarum clocks, atomic versions of all of the above ... and not one watch. NOT ONE. Apparently, the cell phone has made a huge difference in how people keep time. And why not? You usually have it, you don't have to set it. You just keep it in your pocket or purse or backpack ... just like our grandparents and great-grandparents did with their pocket and pendant watches. (In fact, if you could put a cell phone on a chain, it might be easier to keep track of. And maybe serve as an antenna as well!)
I'm pretty sure that most adult men
don't bend that way. I had totally forgotten
that she had an actual degree in the subject. It's been so long since she even tried to do anything with it. (Also, I'm guessing the dominatrix stuff paid better until recently. I suppose kink gets less affordable in a recession.)
Well, that's different. I would just like to note that, interesting as it is (and it is, very),
this reboot concept almost as intriguing as
this reboot concept. There's just something about full-on batshit insanity that works, somehow. Then again, there's something about tiger-induced super-powered multiple superhero personalities, too.
... You know,
that is a very good question. And
so is that. -- Originally posted at
http://iainpj.dreamwidth.org/35983.html, where there are