Mar 04, 2007 23:20

I have bought a Pug.

had to go to Slough to get it but!

so friday, i do a 12hr shift and get off work at 11:30, get changed on the road for 00:00

saturday, i drive thru the night and arrive in Slough at 7:00 ish in the morning.

Get the car and we're on the road back for about 9:30

decide to get off M6 because of roadworks on way down plus man u liverpool game and some athletics thing on in Birmingham.

get on the M25 and take the wrong turn off and get lost in Leeds for a bit. Get on A1 but road is closed so get divereted to the East coast.

get lost

get to Darlington

get lost some more

arrive in Middlesbourgh!

then head north to Edinburgh.

At Edinburgh the Glasgow turn off is closed so we have to make our own way thru, hour and a half later we get on M8

10:00 ish i get home.

I drove 998miles in 20hours. Fucked.

the 205 is a beast but! :D
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