The weekend is here. Time to slow down for a couple of days in a row...hopefully. I, personally, do not think that we were desigend to live life at such a hectic pace, but then I suppose I would feel like I'm wasting a day if I didn't do as much as I do every day of the week.
Christmas time is always busy. Duh! One of my grandmothers is up from Sydney staying with my parents. This is great. I always enjoying spending time with her and with my family. For instance, Heather and I went around to my parents last night and had take-away Indian with them and Gran. We had such a great time that it was 10pm before we knew it and had to leave. These are moments that I think I will always treasure. I've never looked at it that way before, but then I've never lived away from my family either. So its kind of a new experience for me :) Sadly my other grandmother was supposed to be coming up as well to spend Christmas, but she isn't feeling particularly good, so she is staying in Sydney for Christmas.
New computer is great, and it has come in a really funky casing too!
Here is a link to a picture of the casing. Unfortunately ours doesn't come with the light display on the front because it is currently not available in Oz. But it's still cool nonetheless. All the drivers are hidden behind panels in front display that you can open and close.
This has been a rather random post, just looking back at it to this point.
Anyway, I must away as I still have things to do today. Like Christmas shopping. Whoops!
Must fly.