I StumbledUpon the site
It was fun writing about a random word for 60 seconds.
I am a bit competitive so I read the other submissions for that word to see if mine was the best.
It was ;-)
Seriously, it was a little depressing looking briefly into the minds of the people surfing the interwebs. I get the same feeling grading student papers. However, when I grade papers I know who my good students are and can pull out their paper from the pile to grade to prove to myself that there are some minds out there.
The next feeling I had was one of curiosity. I noticed certain trends in the answers - reflections on the self, free association, relationships, common interpretations of the word. I thought that it provided a good database for assessing both the associative links between concepts and the level of thought of a somewhat random sample of internet users.
I'm a cognitive psychologist. I can't help it.
It is both a blessing and a curse :P