Tagged! Beware of meme...seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself

Sep 08, 2007 04:19

I actually got tagged not once, but twice - realpestilence and firestar28 both tagged me on this meme. *eyes them* Three other friends have also done this meme since then, so I guess that there's a trend. *g* I wasn't able to answer the tag right away due to RL issues, but I promised that I would when I could...so...here goes nothing. *LOL*

1. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
2. Tag seven people to do the same.
3. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag whoever wants to do it.

Seven habits/quirks/facts about iadorespike :

1) I'm the oldest of six - four sisters and one brother - and the sister and my brother who immediately follow me (they're two years and two months younger than me) are twins.

2) I graduated from high school when I was sixteen and college at twenty. We lived in the Snow Belt and I turned sixteen in January, so I didn't actually get my driver's license until I had already graduated.

3) I have to have symmetry. As a result, I tend to have at least two of all decorative items. Sometimes, I have four. My friends and family mock me. *g*

4) I like even numbers better than odd numbers. As in my house addresses, the year of my car and the years that I'd consider purchasing a car...things like that. Strangely enough, my favorite house ever - the first house I bought - had an odd numbered address. It was the only odd numbered address I've ever had.

5) I love taking long baths (my old house had a wonderful, huge, old cast-iron tub), but I hate the tub in the house we live in now. I haven't taken a bath in 10 years - only showers. Huh.

6) I am a die-hard, unabashed Trekker. I watched every episode of every Trek (all five series) on their original air-dates. Yes, that includes TOS - I'm old! One day I'll have them all on DVD...a girl needs a goal in life.

7) In November, I'll have been married for 20 years. ( I got married in an odd year - a direct contradiction of my even number quirk. I should have waited until the new year. *sigh*)

Okay, that's more than enough. Now I'm going to ignore #2 and #3 of the meme and not tag anyone. Bad Anna.

memes, my life

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