♫FIC - Forgive Me

Jan 04, 2013 19:15

forgive me
2 ~ minkey ~ 1041 words
[ part one]
any fool can tell the truth, but it requires a man of some sense to lie well

Kibum knew he had to open the door, he knew that he'd been caught, but he couldn't seem to make the muscles of his wrist turn the knob. He'd been standing there as if frozen for what felt like a week. Trying desperately to form a lie, a story, anything that would get him off the hook. Apparently the part of his brain responsible for lying was on strike, or more likely it had suffered nerve death trying to create a story good enough to fix this.

With a deep rattling sigh Kibum steeled himself against the unavoidable and pushed the door open.

It was like some symbolic terror kept him from actually leaving the bathroom and he kept his feet firmly planted on the linoleum while staring at Minho's large boney feet shifting in the plush carpet of the hall. He couldn't look up or step forward and even though he'd opened the door he was still hiding in the bathroom. Hiding from the consequences.

There was no hiding from Minho's voice however and when he began to speak Kibum closed his eyes against the instinct to look up. He just stood there hugging himself and tried not to cry. He couldn't cry now, he deserved every abusive word Minho could come up with.

The fact that is was Minho not Taemin standing before him as his judge and jury was probably the only thing that kept him on his feet. But the only thing Minho said was, “Why?” and the only emotion behind that single word was pity.

Kibum's eyes snapped to the other boys face and that same disgusting emotion was written in the curve of his brows the shiny wetness of his large brown eyes and in every wrinkle of his pursed lips. His mind reeled from the sound of that word as he fell to his knees at Minho's feet.

He sobbed openly and soon his face, neck, and chest were soaked in tears that wreaked of regret and hatred for himself. For a long time Minho didn't move or make a sound he simply stood over him a silent observer seemingly unaffected.

Kibum coughed and sputtered as he sat back on his feet bringing both hands up to violently wipe the tears away as the continued to stream from his swollen eyes. He choked out a strangled rush of words through his raw throat, “I love him! I love him and I hate you! I hate you both!” His words broke off as a fresh wave of sobs caught him.

He didn't realize that Minho had joined him on the floor until a warm hand came to rest on his bare shoulder and the shock brought him out of his fit. Bloodshot eyes met deep concerned pools of chestnut brown and Kibum's mouth contorted as fresh tears were ripped from him.

He couldn't process Minho's reaction at all and everything in his brain was static. He watched in horror as the other boy scooted closer and pulled him into a tight embrace. Kibum tried to flail and fight him off but Minho's strong arms were unrelenting as he whispered a soft command of “Stop,” into his hair.

Even though Kibum could smell sex on the boys skin and he wanted desperately to break free and lock himself in his room until he could manage suicide Minho was warm and firm against him. Slowly it sunk in that he wasn't angry or disgusted and Kibum started to relax even though the tears had started again.

Minho held him until the tears subsided on their own, petting his hair and quietly shushing him. Slowly Kibum pulled away and Minho let him this time but as Kibum sat up he took hold of both his hands. They stared at each other for a long time as Kibum searched Minho's eyes for some sign, some unspoken answer to the questions now spinning out of control in his mind eating away at the calm that had settled over him in Minho's arms. He found only compassion.

“Aren't I disgusting? Why aren't you trying to kill me or kick me out or...something?”

Minho's lips twitched away a smile before he answered matter-of-factly, “Because Taemin loves you.”

Kibum's reply was quick and even though he was the guilty party here his voice still suggested that it was Minho who was the real villain. “He loves you.”

Minho was clearly stung by these words as he turned away, “He'll never love me like he loves you.” His doe eyes darted to Kibum's face and seeing that the other boy still didn't understand he continued his eyes back on the floor, “He doesn't know that we love him. He's convinced himself that he can't have you and that he loves me, but I know better.” Slowly Minho turns to look Kibum in the eye, “I'm sorry.”

Now Kibum is genuinely confused and it shows all over his face, “What are you sorry for!?”

Minho chews his lip looking guilty as he answers, “I knew that the two of you loved each other but I kept my mouth shut. I'm sorry Kibum but I love you both and I didn't want to be shut out.” his eyes are desperate as Kibum gapes at him.

“You knew!? You knew everything and you let me continue like this!?” he motions behind him seething with anger now, “And you love us both!? What the fuck are you talking about you love us both! You don't even know me!” he moves to stand up fully intending to go tell Taemin everything but Minho grabs him by the wrist and holds him there.

“That's where you're wrong. I've known you for years Kibum. How do you think I met Taemin? I knew he was your roommate. I didn't mean for it to end up like this Kibum, I didn't. I'm sorry...” his voice trails off as he brings a hand up to the back of Kibum's neck, “I never meant to hurt you.” and before Kibum can process this new reality Minho's lips are sealed to his and his hands are all over his shoulders and his back. Minho is everywhere at once and Kibum is lost at sea.

a/n: I have no idea if this is realistic or even if it makes any sense so crit is so welcome! I still need to churn out a third chapter for this so please let me know if this is good or if its garbage ;O;

type:au, fandom:kpop, pairing:minkey, rating:r, !fanfic

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