Sep 23, 2011 03:39

black licorice kiss
1/1 ~ taekey ~ 2687 words
only those who go too far can possibly find out how far one can go
He'd fallen asleep sitting up and scooted all the way to one end of the sofa as if trying to take up as little space as possible. It was kind of necessary considering the ratio of bodies to space in the cramped apartment. He was bent at the waist with the side of his face smashed down into the arm rest his feet firmly on the floor and his hands pressed palm to palm and sandwiched between his thighs.

Like a single pure soap bubble floating atop dirty dishwater, Taemin emanated this soft glow as early morning sunlight sliced in through a wide rip in the curtains. The room around him shimmered a dingy grey-brown in contrast. There was a thick layer of debris on every lateral surface and it filled every empty space between the litter of bodies, glittering in the light of dawn. Nothing was ever pretty the morning after.

A muttered curse and Taemin's bleary eyes snapped open. His body and his brain disconnected in that moment of waking. He remained still as he blinked slow over and over; focused and unfocused and back again until his vision cleared. There was still a lot of static and thumping in his ears, a residual headache from the blaring music of just a few hours ago.

When he could finally take in his surroundings in earnest it was only that sluggish ache of hangover that kept his bones rigidly in place as he watched a naked man step into the hallway on wobbly feet. He watched in morbid fascination as the man reached out to steady himself against the opposite wall and lift a huge bottle of liquor to his lips.

Questioning his sobriety and his sanity Taemin blinked once, twice. The man remained at the far end of the long hall with his head tossed back and dark liquid running in a little stream from the corner of his mouth. Slowly the booze trickled down onto the boy's bony chest and he must have felt the coolness of it because he choked a bit and pulled the bottle away with a small pop.

He pressed his chin to his chest to inspect the damage and Taemin could almost see the boy pouting as he looked down at himself. Slowly he extended a single digit and wiped up a good deal of the dark liquid. With little hesitation he sucked his finger into his mouth and Taemin's eyes widened the slightest bit as the boy hollowed his cheeks.

Taemin swallowed thickly as this strange naked boy started to make his way towards him. He kept his head down and an arm outstretched to keep himself steady as he stepped over sleeping bodies. There was something strange about the way the boy was walking, something that didn't look like intoxication but still seemed off. Taemin's eyes lowered slowly, trying hard not to linger anywhere inappropriate, until he reached the boy's feet.

He was wearing women's shoes. He watched as the boy brought one foot over somebodies arm and saw the perfect triangle point of his toes and the stiletto heel. He tried to imagine why he was naked save those shoes, very nearly voicing the question.

At this point Taemin was making a conscious effort not to stir and alert the boy to his presence and he wasn't really sure why. All he knew for sure was that he liked watching this boy saunter through a sea of bodies with no modesty whatsoever. His hair was tousled curly and no less than five different colors and Taemin had never seen a boy like him.

He watched him twist as he sidestepped over another body; a girl slumped against the wall with her head lolled back. He braced himself against the bare sheet rock where the wallpaper was torn back, one palm flat and the other still wrapped around the bottle, his knuckles white with the pressure. Slowly he crossed one leg in front of the other and stood facing Taemin again.

There was an almost inaudible moan and both boys went rigid. He stood frozen, waiting for the girl to stir but nothing happened and he exhaled, his shoulders slouching slightly. He brought the bottle up for another swill and Taemin saw his eyes catch upon something at his feet. Another small pop as he peeled his lips from the glass and he suddenly knelt down knees and ankles together as he went. There was something obviously feminine about his whole countenance but he exuded this unquestionable power. Taemin was thoroughly sucked in.

He swayed and caught himself against the opposite wall and Taemin's eyes were drawn into the boy's lap as his naked thighs slid together. Somehow the boy had lowered himself in such a way as to tuck his genitals beneath his thighs. He wondered fleetingly if tucking was something the boy did often but he was so mesmerized by that little triangle of skin he barely registered the thought. The skin was tight and smooth, and he noticed completely hairless, but it looked so natural so normal on this boy. The image unsettled and intrigued him.

Lost in his own thoughts for just a moment he lost sight of what the naked boy was doing. He had knelt next to yet another girl, this one laying straight across the hall with one knee bent up like a human speed bump. Taemin forced his eyes away from that enticing little patch of skin and watched as he gingerly set his bottle down. He settled his knees into the cheep carpet and leaned over the girl. His gaze fixed on her sleeping face and Taemin noted that this particular girl was too plain to draw such attention.

Slowly the boy trailed slender fingers up her thigh, he paused to gage her reaction and continued on his path almost immediately. Taemin's own thighs clenched as he neared the hem of her mini skirt but she remained fast asleep. Then a few things happened in quick succession. First the boy's fingers disappeared beneath fabric and Taemin held his breath. Then the girl moaned deep in her throat and arched her back into his touch, at that moment Taemin saw him tear something out from under her.

Casually he grabbed his bottle and slung his prize over one shoulder. He stood there and eyed the girl for a moment a brow arched into his fringe but she settled back into the carpet like nothing happened and he stepped over her without a second glance. Taemin blinked a dozen times as his eyes darted between the two. He was mildly repulsed that she was too drunk to even realize she'd been molested and oddly impressed that he'd gone so far just to retrieve some article of clothing he couldn't identify.

He distracted himself with the fabric as the boy came closer. It was just a big lump of black but he could see bits and pieces of zipper here and there. The boy was making much better progress now, only held up once as his foot came down on something that cracked and crunched, obviously plastic. The whole room went still and Taemin could see his muscles tensing. Still nobody stirred and he continued on his way.

When he was mere feet away Taemin could finally see his face, really see it. He was so focused on his little scavenger hunt that he never noticed Taemin's deep brown eyes following him wherever he went. His face was all smooth planes and high cheek bones and not even the gross amount of black eyeliner streaked over his temples and the bridge of his nose could hide that he was perfect. It was just like snow white; beauty always shines through the grime.

The arduous journey from whoever's bedroom he'd been in seemed to have sapped a lot of his energy as he leaned into the wall just opposite Taemin's couch. With a sigh he took hold of the cloth on his shoulder and let his arm fall limp at his side. Taemin's eyes followed the movement but still couldn't figure out what he was holding. Slowly his eyes drifted away up into the boy's face, his lips were parted now and the way the sun hit his face in here you could just see the smear of lip-gloss across his cheek.

Now in the living room where the sun was bringing everything into sharp relief there seemed to be a few things Taemin had missed. The glitter mixed into the black makeup for instance or how his eyelashes were clumped together with what looked like tar. There was also the obscene amount of jewelry. He wore a ring on nearly every finger; three of them were skulls, an owl, copper wire wrapped around a huge lump of onyx, a cross that stretched across two fingers, and one simple silver band on his left pinkie. Taemin stared at that band for a long time, it seemed so out of place and he wondered if it held some sentimental value. Then he wondered what would constitute as sentimental value to someone who couldn't be bothered with clothes.

He looked up at the sound of liquid gurgling through the neck of the bottle and watched as he took an extremely long pull from what he could now tell was Jagermeister. Instantly Taemin recalled the dark licorice taste and marveled at the strength of the boy's pallet. He smacked his lips and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, still holding that black cloth. Taemin was growing increasingly frustrated with that fabric, he needed to know what he'd gone to such lengths to retrieve. It was large enough to be a cape but there looked to be flaps on it, and the zippers, and it just didn't make sense.

Then this strange naked hairless boy with an iron stomach crossed the room somewhere to Taemin's left and out of sight. He could hear him muttering something like 'Oh thank god' and his voiced seemed only slightly at odds with the rest of him. It was deep as much as he could tell but still soft enough to soothe. Finally he came back into view and plopped down in the middle of the room; legs crossed indian style with the head of his dick hovering over the disgusting brown-orange carpet. The black fabric lay beside him completely forgotten by both.

Taemin's back was starting to hurt but he stayed perfectly still as the boy rummaged through a large black purse, leather fringe curling at odd angles where it met floor. He watched with interest as he leaned over the bag, his back muscles flexing over clearly visible bone. He looked so thin, almost unhealthy, but still beautiful. He fished out a brand new iphone and seemed to check his messages for a while before dropping it unceremoniously back inside to dig for something else.

A pack of lucky strikes and a lighter, and the room was suddenly full of the smell of tobacco. It was a good deal better than the smell of thirty people with morning breath mixed with stale beer but it still tickled Taemin's nose a bit. He was starting to feel like a complete dick as time went on but he was afraid of making his presence known this late in the game. There was something strange and off-putting about him but he was enthralled by the way he moved, the texture of his skin, the curl of his lips, and just the androgynousness of his existence.

He himself had been made fun of for being girly since a young age and he'd never been openly called androgynous before but he knew the word suited him well enough, but his whole life he'd tried desperately to prove people wrong, to show them he was a man. If this boy had ever had to deal with that stuff, and Taemin strongly suspected he had, he apparently took it all in stride if not fed on it, and blossomed into this beautifully terrifying new thing while Taemin was still as awkward as ever. It was a strange feeling; he at once wished he was this boy and wished he could have him. His guts were starting to writhe as his mind wandered.

Taemin snapped to attention as something tossed against he base of the sofa with a soft thud and the tinkling crash of a bag full of junk. The boy balanced his half smoked cigarette on a nearby beer can and gathered up that mysterious black cloth. Mechanically he stretched his legs in front of him, knees bent slightly, and slid the fabric underneath him. Taemin's eyes went wide as he watched him work what looked like an amorphous blob into a pair of pants. He fastened the zipper around one ankle and pulled the toggle up to about his knee before doing the other leg. Taemin stared as he adjusted the fabric and zipped them up a bit higher. He groaned a little, apparently frustrated, and flopped back into the carpet, body stretched out just below Taemin.

With his eyes on the ceiling he pushed his ass up, dick flopping against his stomach, and pulled the rest of the the fabric into position. He flopped a little more as he layed back down and pulled both zipps to the waistline. The sound was grating and final. The zippers themselves were large and industrial looking and shone bright and chrome in the sunlight and all he wanted to do was reach down and unzip them. He simply stared as he pushed his bits inside the weirdest pants he'd ever seen.

The boy stood up quickly and Taemin had to stop himself from craning his neck with the movement. He gathered his things and with his bag slung across his bare chest, his cigarette back between his lips and bottle in hand he headed for the door. Taemin watched him go with the strangest sense of longing. The sound of the door closing behind him seemed to finally wake him up.

He sat bolt upright and looked around wondering if he'd dreamed the whole thing. Carefully he picked his way to the living room window and pulled back the curtains, his pupils retracted a second too late and his eyes burned, but there he was sashaying down the sidewalk of whatever shitty neighborhood they were in. He hesitated for less than a second before he was at the door himself.

He ran to catch up to the long strides of this boy he didn't know but he had to talk to him. He had to do something. Just as he reached out a hand to stop him, the boy turned around and his eyes looked so much better when they were fixed on Taemin, it made his lungs shrivel, or maybe that was the running.



"Where are you going?"


"Can I come with you?"

He had no idea what he was saying but he couldn't let him get away. After a long pause in which Taemin tried to formulate a million other things to say, each worse than the last, the boy finally shrugged and kept walking. Without a second thought he fell in step next to him watching their feet sync up on the sidewalk.

"Lee Taemin"

"Kim Kibum...want a drink?"

He passed over the bottle and Taemin knocked his head back, the acrid taste was disgusting but it burned in a good way. He smacked his lips, tried not to cringe, and passed the bottle back.

"Do you always drink that stuff?"

"Only on special occasions."

Taemin registered the bitter tone of Kibum's voice and mulled it over as they moved down the street eyeing him quietly now and then. He didn't say anything else for a long time, nearly a block later he finally spoke up.

"So what's the occasion?"

The boy seemed to consider his answer for a long time before he looked at Taemin and answered with sad eyes.

"It's my birthday."

authors note :: first of all i just had to download some outside posting program because lj hates me that much. second of all as soon as i finished this fic linnhe disapeared on my so if it sucks its all her fault ;^;
but no seriously guys this is for our lovely key's birthday and i hope you liked it becuase i had a lot of fun writing it and picturing it.

type:au, fandom:kpop, pairing:taekey, rating:r, !fanfic, subject:shinee

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