Doctors Appointment

Jul 17, 2007 04:00

A friendly smile wished patents a good night as Dr. Ryan Asher ushered the last pair out of his clinic. Subconsciously he left the door open long enough to let an unseen figure slip through before he locked up for the night. Quietly he filed the last of his papers and straightened the waiting room to the idle chat of NPR. His last bit of business was straightening his exam room.

“So Doc, what’s wrong with me?” Ia’s voice sounded from the exam table. Startled, he dropped the chart that he was examining and jumped. Taking a moment he collected himself and turned around in his chair. He smoothed back some stray strands of his honey hair then put on his best family man smile.

“Well sweetie lets see.” He wheeled over to her and pulled an exam light from his lab coat. Shining the light into one of the inky depths of one of her eyes then the other. For a moment he looked puzzled then shook it of. Next he pulled out a flat stick for what looked to be a straw jar.

“Now say ‘Aw’ and open wide.” Ia did as she was told. Curiously he examined the long rows of pointed teeth that lined her gums.

“Alright my dear, explain to me some of your symptoms.” Ia shifted on the table to rest her hands under her head as she stared up at the ceiling. Dr. Asher wheeled around to prep some other things out of her site as she spoke.

“Well Doc, I’ve had a drop in appetite. An acute allergy to the sun. A constant metallic taste in my mouth. A drop in sexual activity. Dry skin. Strange heart rhythms’ and apparently a bad sleeping schedule.”

“Well then. We’ll have to get a more in depth look.”

Ia peeked up to the end of the table to see Dr. Asher beaming at her from between a pair of gyno stirrups.

“You wish.” She laughed. He just smiled. Standing he grabbed onto her ankles and pulled across the table to the end. Sitting up she met him nose to nose.

“You know what I came for.” She spoke quietly.

“You know what I require.” He replied. They sat there for a moment before he walked to a drawer, retrieving two cases. The first he tossed to Ia who happily hugged it then slipped it into her coat pocket. From the other case he pulled out a needle and syringe. Walking back to the table he forced her onto her back. With little work he prepped the needle and lifted her shirt. Next he drove the needle into her stomach and began to fill the chamber.

“Ow ow ow!” Ia protested from under his hand. It reached its full capacity and he removed it.

“I may be a vampire but that shit still hurts you jerk!” She rubbed where the needle had been and curled up into the fetal position.

“Well we both got what we wanted.”

“I hope you don’t treat your patients like that.”

“Of course not. They’re far to breakable for that.” Carefully he unscrewed the needle end and sucked on the syringe. Slowly draining the blood from it. He stopped for a second and came back to Ia.

“Wait a minute…” Again he pinned her and this time placed to fingers to the side of her throat over her jugular vein. Below he felt a definite and strong lub dub of a heart beat.

“Why are you doing that?” He asked baffled.

“It’s a quirk of mine. Don’t poke it. So what’s the diagnostic?” She asked, shooing him away from her. He sucked on the syringe a bit more then smiled.

“Well, your dead.”
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