so much drama

Feb 15, 2004 09:01

well friday i was really exited to go to competition but of course kami in my book quite, i guess she was a back problem or somthing but half are team is hurt. i mean im sorry kami and i hope your backs get better but it was only 2 more days left.charz shouldnt even be cheerleading bc of her arm and look at her she is out there puttin 110% make sure not to let her team down. sam sprang her ankle the day before our last comp and she still went out on that floor in pain and did our routen full out. brytnee gavel and all of her problems, i really feel like you didnt want to be there, you always said durning pratice how much you hate cheerleading, you where a captain and you got it taken from you to teach you a leason not let the team down anymore, i wanted to end our season with the fact that we worked as hard as we could and that maybe we would place bc i thought we all wanted to be here, im not suposed to be doin any sports, its not like if you went to comp your doctor was goin to track you down and kill you or somthing like that. why did we work so hard when you where just goin to do this, it was only 2 more days and all we do sat is compete and warm up a little and its not like we do anything at games. special if you still do dance that just tell everyone on the team that you have been lieing to us when you say you cared for us. you where the one cryin when we got 2nd and not first, you where cryin when we got 4th i think you are scared and i think you dont have any faith in this team and is afrid that we will in your words "get last place" again...2nd place is great its the highest we ever got at kawnias...but hey i hope you happy when the other 19 of us are hurt and feel like shit
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