Feb 01, 2004 19:27
what a day...first of all kelly went back to college today, then Kat picked me up to go the the team breakfast, we were kinda late, so we didnt get to eat anything so kat and i went to dunkin donut's. afterwards we went back to the high school for a practice before we got on the bus to head to concord. we did are hair in breads. i really dont like them, i like the curls so much better, they just look right and the braids just feel weird. we had to tuck them up so they wouldnt hit our sholders. kat, sam and i went to brooks, of course we were goin crazy over the food. we didnt have enough money to pay for everythign so kat and her sneaky ideas she made it so we had enough..it was funny. when we got to capital city i didnt feel right, i mean it didnt feel like we were goin to compete. i was so tierd and wasnt pumped at all...warms didnt go so well... we didnt hit the end stunt and i couldnt control bryts foot. after warms up we had to get safty cheak, i guess meagan had a hair tie around her wrist and they took 5 points off witch is bull shit.when it was out time to go out the music wouldnt work, what a great start. it was kinda embassing just standing there. our first stunts hit and they looked nice, i did a nice nice, high, pretty layout which i was proud of. i almost hit meagan what she was doin her pass. jessie feel out of her scorpion and brytnee didnt hit her last stunts and i guess some one said the "f" word so we got 10 points takin off for that. beside the falls we had alot of spirit and our dance was really good. we end up gettin third place. we had so much spirit other teams were saying so. nashua cheerleader where so stuck up to us, everytime we would cheer for another team they would always make fun, i used to love nashua but now they lost all of my respect. im still really happy we got third, but i swear, you even like laconia or you hate us...i have to say Amanda looked way to cute, i kept screaming for her...even though i got alot of look i didnt care bc i lover her so much...and im very proud...good job:-)
My life I live it to the limit and I love it
Now I can breathe again, baby, now I can breathe again