Jan 25, 2003 23:38
Akk!* Okay.... UPDATE UPDATE! =DDD hehehehe..! I loveeeeee my new lil color scheme ! hehe!! Yeah, tonite was Jenn and Sarah's party! It was fun~! But yah anywho!!!
Today*:I woke up around 1'sh.. Then my daddy made me breakfast.. Got online... And then around 230'sh we left here for softball! Of course I got ready! Hahah.. I had fun, Alice + Ashley + Julie and Jessica were there.. We worked on alotta stuff.. ^-Those are the people that made it last year (school ball koz my daddy is the coach) including me.! So yeah that's about it with that subject... Then we got done around 6 and Britt'L calls me and says "Okay.....Where are you at because there are 4 boys here, and just me!" It turns out... My mama had to go to the hospital koz of her headaches!!! And my daddy left to go to a water damage! So I walk upstairs and Brittany and her boyfriend John are sittin on my bed... And Wesley + Zack + Nick are standin up lookin at the stuff on my walls... I'm like.. what the fuck!? And I look like a total wad of shit koz I just got back from softball!! And John <-SUPER HOTTIE was like "You have fun??" And gives me that look! LoL~! I was like riiiight riiight! and they laughed! rofL! But yeah.... See it was suposed to be 2 guys..and me and Brittany!!! And stupid ass her calls 3 fucking guys! =O I was like WTF??!?~!?!?@#!?@#?#!!!!!!!!!!! But yeah.. I am still a lil mad at her!! And we had to HIDE the boys when my dadyd was here! IT WAS SOOOO FUNNY! And my brother calls.
Him-"Sissy lemme talk to mama"
Me-"She's not here, she had to go to the hospital to get her shot - Nannie took her"
Him-"Ohh, well lemme talk to daddy"
Me-"He's not here either, he is at a water damage!"
Him-"Then who's there???"
Me-"Brittany + Me and 4 other guys"
Him-"What the hell is guys doin there? Really who's there?!.."
Me-"I'm not lyin Bubba! And I think you need to come over here koz I am afraid mama or daddy one will pull up and find me and brittany here with 4 guys..alone!"
Him-"okay! Well...!" And then the phone cuts off! And he calls again...
Me-"It's okay, but we need a ride to Jennifer's party!!"
Him-"I'm too busy"
Me-"Okay that's really sweet! You never do shit for me!"
Him-"What time is the party?" Me-"7:00" Him-"Okay well...."
Me-"Bubba I'm really scared! Mama is gonna hate me koz of this!"
Him-"Well sorry I can't help you!"
Me-"You're a really big jerk you know that?"
And then I hang up....
And Like 30 minutes later he comes and checks up on us.. And he was gona take us to the party! =D awwww<3 And Wesley and all them come down and they go "Omg! I'm scared..He's gona get mad?" And I was likeall laughin and shit! It was funny.! And Bubba goes "Well I just wanted to come down and make sure yaw wasn't doing any thing stupid!" Hahahah! I Love My Brother!<333 This was after I got in the shower - got dressed - make-up and everything... Then I call Abbey and go "AbbeyI love you and I need you!" And Molly and Hannie (Hannah) and BB were in the background koz I was on speaker phone, and they all go "Terri OMG are you okay?~!?!?! WHAT'S WRONG!!!" And I told them the deal..! Hannah called her mama, and her mama came and took us all to the party! I LOVE HANNIE AND HER MOMMY AND DADDY!~~!<333 =D Thanks <3 hehe... Then in the car! BAHAHAHHA! It was 6 people.. Sittin in the back, we were all piled on top of eachother! ROFL!! It was great..!!! And While everyone was here, they were like "I'm guessin you like Spongebob" HAHAH! It was fUnny! Yaw should see my room.. Spongebob everywhere! But yeah..! I am goin out with Nick now! =D Nick L. not Nick E.!! (very confusing!)But April hooked us up! SHE IS SOOOO PRETTY! =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =DDDDDDDDDD~She's got this really pretty tatoo on her back of a cute little butterfly! LoL...She's like super pretty! Not in like a gayyish way~!~! lol, She's like 17-18? I dunnnnnnno!=\ But yeah, her and Ben (SUPER HOTTIE AND SWEETIE!) are still fighting! =( Anywho.........! She was like "So you like Terri?" And I'm standin there about to bust out laughin And he's like "Yeah A lot" And is smiling and looking at me.. It was so great. And she goes "Ask her out!" And he goes "Terri...Will you go out with me?" And I'm standin there... And I go "No!.." - "Nahh I'm just playin..Yeah!" And he goes "REALLY?" Aww it was soo cute! =) So I am offically not single anymore! YAYY! hehe...THANKS TO APRIL!!!!!LoVE YaH GiRL!
I guess that's all now..<3 I'll post tomorrow! =D