Oct 23, 2004 16:07
i woke up this morning at 9 [not normally what i wanna do on a saturday morning but oh well] and got ready to go to mcdonalds for breakfast then to the school for our jv game against westerly which was a must win. i saw bethiest papa there cleaning our school area too. yeah i thought the mattoons still werent going cause they had plans for 6 flags, well they decided to leave later so they could make it to our game =] we won 2-0 the coach was PISSED. kara said something i guess that wasnt even too mean and the lady turned all ghetto and was like you got suttin to say say it to my face. interesting... then we got BK and bucacci paid for us which was so nice of him =D after they messed up our order and it took a half hour...
britt d : did you see that fat girl push me?!
me : what one?
hah that was gooood. then angie showing off her bootay that was even gooder. i know its not a word but now it is! then the bus ride home, me angie britt and sometimes jen all had lovely conversations. heres one part that was priceless...
angie : cacci! cacci!
: 5 mins later he comes out from a seat:
bucacci : what?
: angie just ignores him... :
angie : guys wheres ashley silva?!
me : oh so thats how she stays on the team =P
it was a joke and nothing meant towards ashley it was just funny lol... then i punched angie in her effin bald spot. shit that was funny. now we all refer to our cooches as our 'bald spots' hahhh. our co ed jv sleepovers - one sleeping bag per two people! angies always got dirty things on her mind.... then back at the school i was waiting with shan chels and britt and lets just say shan owes someone like $300..
im gonna miss these girls so much.. ive been with them everyday almost for at least 2 hours for like 3 or 4 months... this is so sad the season coming to an end but lets make the best of it kick south kingstowns ass monday! <33