Sep 27, 2004 18:15
today i had school and school is school BUT this is from leahs journal..
omggg today Vee and I had to use the goddamn elevator to get the tv downstairs and it was sooooo scary. First, rolling the tv down the hallway was {q u i t e} the advernture. Then we couldnt get the key in the damn elevator and justin commented on how retarded we look (*but i think that goes without saying*) So yeah then this teacher helped up and then we couldnt get the key yeah.. Then when we got downstairs Vee and I couldnt find the room we were looking for.. of course.. so it took us like forever to find it. And when we finally got to the room, the guy nodded at me and I was like ummmmmmmmmmmm ok??? so yeah then Vee and I went back to Knuttons room and we pretended like we didnt have the key and I swear to Bob he shit himself... muhahahaha.. ilu Vee.. great times <33
that was the funniest thinggg! i love leah! oh yeah and in fam consumer science will was making funny noises and god it was just a good time with him and steph <33
yes we had an away game we won 1-0 and man we coulda won by so much more but thats alright and on the way home some ppl got on my nerves complaining they had a head ache and for me to turn it down a notch. yeah cuz i was loud to begin with. then she started yelling? yeah ur gay. and looks like were doing extra stuff cuz SOMEONE put a stupid sign on our window that coulda gotten the poor bus driver fired =/ im over ittt.
my life overall is pretty good. nah i lied its not pretty good. its okay enough that im not depressed i hate being depressed but then again who likes it? im sure you all might now whyyy