bored at 845 in the morning

Aug 18, 2004 08:38

Age of first kiss: 13

Number of people you've kissed: somewhere in the 30s

French kissing is: i have to be in the mood.... i rather just have a sweet peck

The worst kind of kiss is: slimey

The best kisser you know: well i'm sure i know some but i just haven't kissed them yet... but neil was good.

The worst kisser you know: this guy names james... oh man he should be shoot.

Do you kiss on the first date? nope, cause all the guys ive kissed i was never going out with :)

Eyes open or closed? closed

Average number of kisses you get a day: 0... because im awesome.

Ever kissed a friend's boyfriend or girlfriend? yeah...sorry kim, stevie, and michelle.

The last person you kissed: i don't know his name i was drunk in mexico

Best place to be kissed: on the hand or cheek

Body: i think my hand and cheek are on my body

Have you kissed someone of the same sex? a peck on the lips with mal... oh and paulette in high school (it was an accident)

What about the opposite sex? yeah.

Do you consider kissing cheating? i sure do... you can look but you can't touch

The longest you've gone without a kiss: oh man

The kiss you regret most is: the ones with people i don't know their names

Kissing in public is: along as its not like a make out session...but just a like a soft know

Tongue rings are: trashy. way south carolina

Two girls kissing is: whatever floats their boat...but doing to turn boys on is just dumb

Two guys kissing is: are they hot boys.... cause i wouldn't mine seeing that

If we've kissed, did you like it: n/a.

if not, would you: nope...

wow, this survey makes me feel sleazy. whatever. i was very insecure ages 13-16 and kissing made me feel better, damnit.
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