Just another day in San Francisco

Oct 02, 2005 18:20

Ok, so these pictures were not all taken in one day, but rest assured these are thing done during an average month. (or so)

such a beautiful day to sleep in

but then the alarm goes off and its time to get ready for work

just kidding, its just your friend Andrew and he has brought you a treat....or two

it is 9 am and you have no work, you have no school, you have no other obligations, except to your friend ganja

off we go to get a bite a cafe greco

not only does it taste good, but it is visually appealing too

little bites are for cunts

it is always good to express your faith after a good meal

walks are good too

ooh no! did you loose your bus pass? it's ok my friend has her's painted on her nails

time to get ready for our night out

outside to the front steps that is

don't foget your coat, it is very important to stay warm in this city

end of night, home sweet home

Wait one minute, those pictures have nothing to do with anything.......

Ooh, but they do. They all add up to the big finish.

When the world feeds you sour grapes

relax, cock your head back, and let a witch do you with her broom.

This entry is for the good times had.

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