God Damn It's Been Awhile

Jan 03, 2005 15:04

So what, I havn't written anything in "a minute." I'm sorry, but does anyone else have a problem with that phrase? I know I do. People at my work use it profusely and it bothers me. I have turned into some sort of grammar queen at work lately. I don't even care that much about grammar, and I make mistakes all the time, but still I feel the need to correct these poor grammatically incorrect people day in and day out.

I didn't go to work today, which is a shame, arguments could have been avoided by being where I should have been. This whole roomie situation is really bothering the fuck out of me. 1.) I would like to know where we will be living (and who we equates to) come February 22 when we get kicked out of this apartment. 2.) well I guess everything else would be sorted out if we just opened up and talked about #1 together. so in short 3.) ... 4.).... 5.).... etc.

For the last month or so I've listened to both my room mates (who in turn have listened to me complain too) about the living situation. Person 1 talks to person 2 about person 3. Person 2 talks to person 3 about person 1. Person 1 never talks to person 3. See the problem yet? Person 2 wants to kill him/herself. Yay for being vague.

I'd like to take this time to be vague some more. I don't think that dealing with an issue is being confrontational if the issue cannot go away by being ignored. I mean look at me, I am Mr. Non-confrontational to the max. I don't like confrontations and normally when I am confronted I shut down and don't know what to say. Please Jenna back me up on this!

I really hate fighting with Jared. I don't see the need for it, but I don't know how to deal with him. I feel that it is almost impossible for us to talk about a serious issue because #1 I don't know how to approach these issues and #2 I cannot predict his reaction and really don't want him angry. What to do what to do?

This segment will be entitled Catrina. (I don't want to give away this person's real identity)
Who is we that will be living in the new place?
Jared and I?
Jared, Catrina and I?
Jared, someone else and I?

I don't know. I don't know.
On one hand there are some roommate issues that need to be dealt with that make me think it would be easier to live without her, but on the other hand (and don't Ever tell her I said this and if you do I will deny it) I kinda like living with her.
If you turn me around and look at my third hand, she doesn't want to live with me and Jaerd cuz we are a couple, and on the fourth hand (yeah lame I know the whole hand thing) she likes living with me and she likes living with Jared when we are two separate people.

I don't know, I think we are at a point where we should flip a quarter and let a 25 cent piece decide the outcome because my Sterno Cleido Mastoid cannot take this.
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