Apr 09, 2005 12:53
The past two days were so incredibly random that I can't help but replay them over and over in my head.
Part I of Ze Day
After the half-day, I met up with Kelly at the 27 stop on Springfield and we went to Slim's where we had brunch with a whole bunch of DC/SC/HPS people. =) Then Kelly and I left to get to her house by 1 because she was expected a call. Ana met us there after a while. We talked about our extreme exhaustion and decided against bowling because we didn't want to even think about taking those buses and going all the way out to Strike. We hung out, talked to Kelly's mom, laid down on the grass hill behind her house for like a half hour, and then went to Dunkin Donuts...
Part II of Ze Day
...From Dunkin Donuts we wanted to stop by Corey's but he wasn't home so instead we went over to Zach's and hung out for a good hour or so on his front steps where Corey met up with us. That's when I started to feel nauseous and got chills and stuff so Kelly gave me her hoodie and the five of us walked back to Kelly's house. We all watched Monty Python and I kind of went on and off with sleeping. Ana had to leave around 7. When Monty Pyhton finished, we put The Ring on...
Part I of Ze Night
...A little into the movie, we decided it was too nice out to sit inside so we took a walk. Corey and Zach looked normal... Meanwhile, Kelly was wearing bright pink pajama pants and flip flops and I had her hoodie, Zach's hoodie, and Leah's big furry slippers on. So in that absurd attire, we walked around the backs of the houses in her neighborhood, climbed on a garage rooftop and took pictures, went to the playground at 207, took more pictures, went on the baby swings, and then got chocolate covered gummibears at Sweet Adele's...
Part II of Ze Night
...We walked back and finished the movie. After the movie, Zach went home around 10, and Corey hung around for a bit. He, Kelly, and I discussed the most random part of the night, which I can't really tell anyone else about except for Jason. Anyway, after Corey left, Kelly and I went to bed...
Part III of Ze Night...and into Part I of Ze Next Morning
...I was in Leah's bed which is the top bunk and Kelly was in her bed on the other side of the room so we were just lying there in the dark. We said good night and love you and whatever, and then ended up talking for 2 hours about my issues and other people's issues that directly relate to my issues. lol. It was crazy that we talked about that stuff for so long, but it was good to have someone to share it with and who actually understood instead of just pretending they did...
Part II of Ze Next Morning
...We woke up at like 9 and stayed in bed talking a bit. Then we got off our lazy asses and got dressed. I called my mom and told her we were going for breakfast. So on the way more randomness ensued. Example? The marching band on the corner... o_O So we went to Slim's to eat and ended up eating for free. An old man came by our table, took the bill from my hand, said "I got it", paid for our food, came over to us and told us that he was just an old man and that it was up to us to protect the country. If that's not random, then what is?
Part III of Ze Next Morning
My mom came and picked us up. We dropped off Kelly and then my mom had to go the jeweler. I stayed in the car and listened to Franz Ferdinand. When she got back, things just kind of poured out of me. I told her about a lot of stuff that normally I'd be afraid for her to find out about. She wasn't even upset. There was a little bit of bewilderment in there with some of the stuff, but mostly she was just interested which I thought was really cool of her. It felt good to be able to tell her that stuff. I didn't like having to hide things...
Part IV of Ze Next Morning
...We got home and I signed a bunch of checks so my mom could open my bank account. She's putting in a lot of my bdiddy money for Italy 'o6! =D Wewt! That's going to rock my socks off. I have to get a passport. Anyway, here I am. I have to start writing thank you cards for my bdiddy gifts and possibly do some homework. And my room's a mess, so something should be done about that as well, I suppose...
Last night and this morning were both really fun. We have to hang out again...But we'll save that for a rainy day. ;D
franz ferdinand