May 26, 2009 19:39
Sophomore year of college and I decide it's a good time to look for internships. My second cousin, Carl, works at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the Technology and Enterprise Computing Division. I job shadowed him senior year of high school and he told me to get in touch with him when I was a sophomore in college. He sent me a Christmas card telling me to send my resume and cover letter. Two months and three interviews later, I had a summer job. The only hitch was my living situation. "Home" was three hours away from work. His parents, my great aunt and uncle, Barb and John, offered to let me stay in their house. Immediately after accepting their offer, the family started to tell stories about them. I was in for an interesting time.
I show up the first day just to move stuff in. I had some of my clothes, my printer, my alarm clock, pillows, etc. The basic moving in stuff. It was time for lunch, so we all (John, Barb, Mom, Dad, and myself) settled down for a small salad. They were telling me about Elmhurst and Chicago. Barb would be talking about something and change the subject and John would interject three minutes later talking about the first subject. Then they would both be talking about the same thing but John would say, "Barbara, just stop talking...just stop it." Of course, that would only cause Barbara to get louder wit her talking.
Ants attacked my room.
Their grandkids are awesome.
John drive a diesel truck and it gets about 10 miles to the gallon...on a good day...when the wind is behind him.
Barb says the way to get a man's attention is to wear a red hat. That and I should be looking for a husband now. I'm getting old. (I'm 19...btw). It's best to get married now so we can grow together as we get older. That and it's harder for him to leave me if I'm married to him.
I went down for breakfast the other day and ended up being talked at for two hours.
Today, I ate my dinner next to a gun that had been taken apart. It was just sitting there next to my chair...on the table. Yes.