living in a den of thieves.

Oct 06, 2008 08:38

another weekend, another rant.
another dream about him, another morning spent trying to forget.

friday night shawn and i picked up simon - our first time seeing him in a month. we ate spaghetti for dinner and watched tv until his 8:30 bed time. saturday was an EXTREMELY early morning due to In the Streets, which turned out to be a pretty fun day. the boys came over after a few hours and simon eagerly helped sell t-shirts; he even wore one all day long. shawn's childhood friend Steve and his two kids came by for an hour or so and reaked havoc, as usual. shawn's mom came and got simon around 4:00 since we knew the streets would be loud as shit that night and there's no way simon would've been able to sleep, so we went out for a bit. yesterday consisted of about 5 hours of house-hunting, and we now know exactly what we want and even found a few contenders.

it's definitely been a go-non-stop week. days and weeks like these i wish i was a housewife. seriously. haha. friday i did spent a good 4 hours cleaning the apartment. it's messy again. go figure.

i really do need to rant, but i'm unmotivated at the moment.
perhaps later.
all i can really say is that i think simon's mom is a joke; she's selfish and immature and i don't understand why she's threatening everyone who loves her son when she didn't even want a child in the first place.

blah, busy

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