ipizzle shuffle mode.

Aug 26, 2008 15:01

new icon! man i love me some hayley williams. mmmmmm.

figured i'd post once more before going to work at FMC tonight. only two more weeks and i'll be rid of that place. i've been preparing myself all day for the questions that are going to be asked and the annoyances that will be oh so kindly bestowed upon me this evening -- "why are you quitting?" "what happened?!" and even though it's really nobody's business but my own, with a smile i'll respond, "well you know, i really just have a lot on my plate right now." and fingers crossed, it will be left at that.

sometimes i feel i deserve a consolation prize for being too polite.
cause i really only say what im thinking in my head about half the time. that other half is just too afraid to offend someone else or, god forbid, have to explain myself. isn't it so much easier to be nice so people will shut the fuck up every once in a while??

i'm feeling blunt and productive and slightly over the top today, but im sure that will fade quickly once 4:30 hits. for those next four and a half hours i will sit in near silence and read - something i rarely have the time to do unless im working at the dealership - and i may write in my journal for a bit. i haven't updated that for almost a week. why is blogging to the world so much easier? blast typing; it has taken me over!

at least today i've been a busy bee; drove to martinsburg WV and back to deliver t-shirts. our merchandise is officially in a legit shop, ready to be sold. i kinda want to go in there later this week and take pictures of our shirts on the rack, but i know that would be more than slightly embarrassing and very mom-like. it's tempting, nonetheless!

well, i suppose i should work until i have to leave at 4:00. or smoke a cigarette.
or something.

love, me.

work, thoughts, busy

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