we dont want your headlines, we just want the airwaves back.

Aug 22, 2008 08:44

this morning is already going so much better than my entire evening did yesterday. i just emailed my uncle rob with my resignation, explaining that it was a great experience but that after two weeks i no longer wish to be employed with the company. at this point i dont really care what he says about it, im just glad to have gotten it out in the air that i am not happy working there anymore.

i am also downloading paramore's performance at virgin mobile fest :D which sounds amazing, btw.

on a side note, i really hate it when my dad calls me a drama queen. this happens on almost a daily basis. ive always been a sensitive person; any negative emotion i feel triggers tears that i sometimes cannot hold in. this is nothing new - even as an infant i cried constantly. it is truly my nature. as much as i wish i could change this trait about myself, it's something ive come to accept it and know it's not a flaw, but just one thread of my being that makes me whole. so when i get upset and i hear those dreaded words - "you're such a drama queen", "stop being so dramatic" - i feel so disheartened. i know he won't understand me the way my mom does; i know he tries. but i wish i could sit him down and talk to him about the way he makes me feel when he says these things without knowing nothing will come of it. conversations of the like have taken place before, mostly ending worse than before.

i love my dad, i really do. i know he does his best. i just dread the discouragement i know i will feel every time i go to him for advice or just to talk about the trials of life. and yet i also know that i won't stop going to him for encouragement, knowing that it will not be given in return. he is my father, he loves me, and i know he wants the best for me.

i really need a manicure.


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