im telling a story and you find it boring.

Jul 09, 2008 08:33

i feel like ive been running around like a chicken with its head cut off. there's so much on my plate all the time. like yesterday, i meant to call melissa alllll day to tell her i had to go to my parents' house to see Belen before she left for Spain, and all of a sudden its 6:00 and my phone reminder goes off that i have "dinner with melissa". HOLY SHIT i texted as fast as my little fingers were able to type. i felt so terrible about it, but luckily she's amazing and completely understood. so tonight we're meeting up for some quality best friend time, and maybe some coffee and dessert.

last night was good, though. the family ate together [minus sammy, booooo] and got Belen ready for her 15 hour flight. i got some gifts that my mom bought me in San Antonio, plus some sweet coasters that sammy got me when she went to Australia. ive been feeling really homesick lately, not for my parents' house or anything, but i just miss spending time with my family cause they're gone so much during the summer. i think its been at least two weeks since my mom and i went to lunch together, and usually we do that at least once a week. so sunday, mom and i are going to montgomery mall. SHOPPING SPREE!!! im excited. it only happens a couple times a year so i gotta make it count. haha.

saturday is the company picnic in middletown park. i have to go out and buy stuff for one of the gift baskets we're raffling off. cant complain cause its time out of the office, and thats always a nice little perk. im actually really looking forward to it. we're having a ton of great food, a really nice cake, giving out 5 and 10 year pins since its the ten year anniversary, and playing volleyball. too bad booze isnt allowed in the park, or else we totally would've set up some sweet karaoke.

friday [i know, im going backwards in my plans, haha] shawn and i are hopefully getting simon for the evening. the middletown carnival is all this week so we really want to take him. my fam said they'd come out with us, too, which im stoked about. they've only met simon once, so it'd be really nice for us all to have an outing together.

anyway, i should probably start making some cold calls [GUH]. being the marketing director for my cousin's business has its disadvantages. my phone anxiety is through the roof!

happy hump day!

family, busy

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