14.2 - Curious
OOC: Co-written by
ssa_morgan and
"Once again, Will Smith saves the day." Derek leaned forward and switched the television from the DVD to the cable. He and Lucy were curled up together on the couch and had just finished watching 'Independence Day'. When the television came on there was some documentary about tornadoes on the Discovery Channel. "Can always count on Will Smith for a good movie. He always kicks boo-tay." He traced his fingers through Lucy's hair where she was curled up next to him and kissed the top of her head.
"Mmmm and it's a pretty boy doing the boo-tay kicking which is awesome sauce. Personally, I think he's a slayer and God meant to make him a hot girl," Lucy said with a yawn. She slipped her hand up underneath his tee shirt, pressing her palm against his skin. It was her last night in Virginia and she was kind of hating that. She had her feet tucking underneath her and she watched the tornado documentary without much interest.
Derek chuckled relaxing even more into the couch and slouching down while Lucy's fingers splayed over his abdomen. "So you gotta tell me. What is 'Slayer' code for? Starting to think I'm not up on all the new lingo."
"Hmmm, she who slays demons, vampires and boogeymen?" Lucy suggested, looking up at Derek. "No code, no lingo." She was pretty aware that he didn't really believe her on the whole slaying thing. It didn't bother her. He didn't have to believe for it to be true and she didn't need any validation in her life. At least not in that regard.
"There's my crazy axe-murderer." Derek teased, his brow furrowing in thought. Slayers, vampires and demons weren't really in his realm of possibility. But he really was pretty fond of Lucy. She had unexpectedly grown on him. "Alright. So tell me about it."
Lucy rolled one shoulder, considering for a moment what to say. "I'm freakishly strong, if you haven't noticed. Add to that freakishly fast and I heal like crazy. I don't get sick and I'm supposed to be coordinated and graceful but apparently my own innate clumsy is stronger. It's...this whole thing. Vampires, demons, basically every horror movie ever is real...at least in some way. Except sometimes the dumb blonde that goes into the alley doesn't get killed. Sometimes she kicks the monsters asses and saves the day. There's a bunch of slayers. Jill is one too. There's three in New York City. Some in Las Vegas. Anyway, we're like international. I can feel vampires and demons. They give me the itches. Like a gazillion instant mosquito bites. I know it sounds insane. I'm really not."
"So I know you're strong, yeah." Derek nodded slightly, watching the documentary but not really paying attention to it. "But you were sick that one time. You had the sniffles and I told you to use kleenex with lotion and eat chicken noodle soup. Remember that?" It was a small discounting of her statements but it was something based on reality. He thought he could use it to pull her back down into reality.
"I had allergies," Lucy reminded him. She tilted her head at him and smirked. "Nothing to do with my immune system. It has to be a virus or bacteria. I can be wickedly allergic to things and get the sniffles." She stuck her tongue out at him and waited to hear the rest of his arguments.
"Alright, alright. Allergies." So she got him. "Alright. Can you prove it?"
"The allergies or the slayerness?" Lucy asked, looking up at him wide-eyed. "The slayerness, yeah. Totally provable. The allergies. Nope. I'm not willing to be miserable my last night here. So what kind of proof do you want?"
"Allergies are normal, Sweetness. I'm talking about the slayer thing." He grinned, knowing that she had to be kidding with him now. Allergies were part of his world. It was the slayer gig that was kind of out there as far as his skepticism was concerned. "So how do we prove it?"
"Mmmm, we can go into the Lucy Drools room and lift weights or we can go running and I'll leave you in the dust or..." Lucy shrugged. "There's lots of ways to prove it, Pretty Boy. We could go vampire hunting."
When his attempt to call her bluff failed, Derek just shook his head. "I don't really wanna move from this spot." Moving meant he had to let go of her. His curiosity wasn't priority right now, not with her leaving in the morning. This was their last night together for awhile and he wasn't going to ruin it. "So what do you wanna watch next? Tornadoes creep me out."