acairnia application

Oct 06, 2009 19:22

Your name: Kristi.

Contact info: // rageiscute (aim)


Character name: Lucy Locke

Fandom: Btvs ORIGINAL CHARACTER (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

Point in canon taken from: Lucy is definitely from post s7 Btvs canon. She is one of the many slayers that Willow and Buffy made to fight the First Evil.

Appearance: Lucy is short (5’1 barely) and tiny (probably 100 lbs or so). She often jokes that minus a pushup bra, she’s built like a boy. She’s got long wavy/curly hair, hazel eyes and kind of a dimple. She’s cute. Adorable even. She’s pretty enough but not beautiful. She’s very stylish usually, wears a lot of designer jeans and expensive, designer shoes. Lucy’s PB is Kristen Bell.

Lucy is an optimist. There is little a new pair of shoes, coffee and a compliment won’t fix for her. This doesn’t mean she’s without flaws. In fact, she’s got a roadmap of them. They’re the flaws of any human being, not debilitating but normal. She’s annoying to the point that she’s one of those people that have acquaintances but very few friends. She drives people off because they can’t stand the bounciness, the constant rambling or the near manic energy levels. She’s stubborn. So stubborn that she rarely takes no for an answer and if someone does say no she continues to badger them until she gets her way or until they become angry. This is part of a self sabotaging that is even more apparent in her romantic liaisons. She is supportive and protective of the few close friends she does have. It’s one of the things she troubles herself to get angry about because while the self sabotaging is done on almost an unconscious level, she is aware that she’s difficult to deal with. She was raised by a mother that is difficult to deal with and she was conditioned very strongly by both her parents to either accept people as they are or to let them go. Mirrored in that was the idea that if people can’t accept her as she is (difficulties and all) then it is best just to let them go. If someone sticks around and puts up with Lucy long enough to be called a close friend, she’s loyal, protective and supportive. Sometimes even when she knows she shouldn’t be. Lucy is the friend that helps you bury the bodies but she makes it very difficult to be that kind of friend in return.

A major trigger for Lucy is when people bully or pick on those they perceive to be weaker than them, regardless of whether an actual friend is involved or it’s a stranger. She’ll get downright belligerent, protective and angry. She’s always been audacious enough that she was never the target of a bully but her best friend often was and in truth, outside of her natural inclination and personality, Jill’s misfortunes have helped shape Lucy into the protective, supportive person she can be.

Like anyone, she gets angry in lines, at the pop machine for stealing her money and she hates to be on hold. She handles these things much the way anyone else would. She grumbles, she gripes, she insults the hold music and secretly hopes they record it. She is also that person that tries to shake the pop machine. Lucy’s biggest trigger, and the one that gets pushed most often, is traffic. She’s not one of those people that sit in their car and grumble about construction or accident gawkers. No, she’s one of those people that have full on road rage. She actually got out of her car and attacked someone in traffic with her purse and shoes once. She was taken to jail for aggravated assault. Her father loved that one and thirty hours of community service later, Lucy is working on bottled anger as opposed to uncapped anger. She’s not really faring terribly well, honestly. Her therapist most of the time is anxious to get her out of the office because Lucy refuses to talk about any issues she might have at all, insisting that she’s ‘remarkably well adjusted’.

Lucy is borderline OCD about organization. This impacts her in a variety of ways but the most notable is that it often makes her late for things. She has to organize the closet that has shoes out of place or the handbags that somehow are no longer ordered by designer, season and color before she can leave the house or work on another task. Her favorite thing to organize actually is a closet--hers or anyone else’s--but other things fall prey as well such as the kitchen cabinets, Angel’s office. This leads to a great deal of unfinished tasks, procrastination and missed deadlines in school. As you can probably guess, she is a neat freak. It goes along with liking things her way. She’ll pick up after others but she’s very likely to nag, complain and gripe to the person she picked up after.

She’s blunt to the point of it being a fault. She has no filter between her brain and her mouth. If Lucy thinks it, she says it sometimes without realizing the damage or embarrassment it could cause. She’s offended people, ran off potential friends and been kicked out of parties and other public places as a result. She often ruins relationships (hers and others) with her inability to keep her mouth shut. In college, this impacts her because the professors generally like to talk more than the students. She’s been asked to leave class or be quiet more than once. Lucy absolutely cannot stand people who make judgments unfairly or rashly. She thinks everyone deserves a fair shake because books can’t be judged by covers. When this happens, she’s apt to butt in, upbraid the judger and shame them for doing so. This is because of the way she was raised and the values and morals instilled in her by her parents. It also gives her a cushion and makes her feel a bit better about herself. If she doesn’t judge then she can’t be judged is her idea. It’s not accurate but emotional logic rarely is. Once someone has proven themselves in Lucy’s eyes, she is naturally very vocal in her judgment of them for good or bad.

She pulls pranks that no one really appreciates except her. She shops fairly compulsively and uses it to self medicate when she is depressed, homesick or down in the dumps. Lucy is incredibly klutzy; it’s comical really. It’s likely the clumsiness is a physical manifestation of her lack of focus mentally. She trips over nothing and skins her knees. She’s broken her arm several times (once on a stripper pole), her leg once, concussed herself twice (once slipping in the shower) and sprained her ankle a number of times. In fact, there’s a literal laundry list of Lucy’s injuries ranging from minor to semi-serious:

* Scars she’s incurred due to her clumsiness

* A doctor once decided to run an intervention, assuming she was being beaten at home because of the vast number of times she’s been in the emergency room

* The stripper pole incident

* Slaying doesn’t always work out for her

And that’s a short documented list. There are a whole slew of other injuries she’s incurred. Generally yes they are minor. She’d have died a long time ago if they were all serious. Her luck in the clumsiness sometimes working out for her doesn’t extend beyond slaying. Outside of the clumsiness, she’s in good health as most slayers are. She doesn’t really often get the flu or a cold but she does have allergies. Sometimes they get bad enough that they equate a cold. It’s normal, average things: pollen, dust and mold that trigger the allergies. She uses over the counter allergy medicine when necessary.

Lucy gets the blues like anyone else. She has funks that can be caused by something like a swiftly declining GPA (she has to go to school or she has to get a real job; Daddy’s rules) or a loss by her favorite football team. Like any girl, if she gets snubbed by a guy she likes she gets down in the dumps. She banishes it with ice cream and Resident Evil movies. The biggest thing that puts Lucy into a funk (and the main issue she will deal with emotionally while on the Island) is she gets homesick. And when she gets homesick she emos, she broods and she even cries. Lucy loves home, she loves Alabama (the state as well as the team) and she loves her parents. It's the one place she feels like she can be herself without any consequences. No one is going to walk away because of something outrageous she says. No one is going to pull away emotionally because of something offensive she does or says. That love is always going to be conditional and that is the biggest factor in Lucy being fairly well adjusted as a person.

Because of a very bad experience as a teenager, Lucy has intense commitment issues in regards to romantic relationships. She doesn’t get paranoid or emo about them she just doesn’t generally date anyone exclusively or more than once. Really she self sabotages without even realizing she’s doing it then she doesn’t have to say ‘no I won’t see you again’ or ‘no don’t call me’. She annoys to the point that they can no longer stand it. She demands to the point that they walk away. She even incites ridiculous fights with anyone she dates more than once. This self sabotage also applies to her friendships just not to quite the extreme.

Lucy has no concept of personal space, either her’s or anyone else’s. She’s content to share everything she owns and often forgets what she’s loaned out (like books or clothes). Lucy has no ambition or direction beyond have fun and don’t get killed. This drives her father a little crazy sometimes but Lucy likes living in the now. The future and what she’s going to do in it is for later at some unspecified time. She’s not a particularly hard worker, in fact lazy is an apt description but she is a follower rather than a leader. She will take direction, she just has to be kept on task. Her attention span just isn’t really there. Lucy really is an undiagnosed ADHD person. She doesn’t mean to wander off task or to divert her attention but it happens regardless of what she is doing. This has resulted in nearly getting her killed more than once. She has to constantly be moving. She has to constantly be engaged in more than one task at a time.

For the most part, Lucy is alright with being a slayer. She doesn’t think beyond today or the weekend so she doesn’t brood about the possibly untimely death that is generally a hazard for a slayer. However, like every slayer she gets dreams-more aptly nightmares of girls that were slayers before her; fights they’ve been in, adversaries they’ve faced and sometimes the deaths that befell them. It’s the last ones that keep her up at night. And after she’s had a dream about a slayer’s death, there is little consoling her. It’s something she has to deal with and process.

Lucy’s happy, bubbly personality really isn’t a front for anything. Bad things happen and she reacts accordingly but her life has been alright and she figures she can go through life sad or she can go through it happy. She’d rather be happy on the whole. Laughing is a lot more fun than crying. She rolls with the punches remarkably well and looks for the bright side in a situation. It’s not really an unusual coping strategy; people make the choice to be happy in a situation [I need this job so I might as well try to enjoy it] all the time. Lucy just employs it on a regular basis. Much like Lorne in the Angel and Btvs world, Lucy is the cheerleader. She’s the one that cheers people up, tells them it’s going to be alright and helps them to smile. She doesn’t mind being the clown if that’s what it takes or the butt of someone’s joke. It’s her own personal way of helping people, regardless of whether they want the help or not.

Lucy is 21 years old. She grew up in Birmingham, Alabama the only child of Lily and Jim Locke. The Locke family has had money for ages but Jim increased it many times over by investing in a host of startup companies like Apple. Lucy has been spoiled her whole life. She only half jokes that she was twelve before she realized the Chronicles of Narnia were not about her because her father calls her Princess Lucy. She was also raised in a family that believes in karma and giving back when possible. Her mother is a stereotypical Southern Belle who had Lucy involved in charities from the time she could walk. Charity organizations and events are sort of what her mother does. Her mom also likes her mint juleps but was never an abusive or audacious alcoholic. As a result Lucy has been known to enjoy her own mint juleps. She was raised Southern Baptist but when she’s not home, she falls behind in her church attendance, as in she doesn’t at all.

She’s an avid, obsessive fan of Alabama University Football. She keeps a countdown, knows the names of everyone on the team and their positions. She goes to every football game and often claims the team is her husband. Football is almost a religion for Lucy. The whole game makes her happy and does for her what meditation does for others. She actually even understands the game. She’s just not interested in football unless Alabama is playing.

She met her best friend in kindergarten and they were almost inseparable after that. Jill wasn’t really part of Lucy’s social circle but they stuck together in spite of it. Jill satisfies the need for unconditional love that Lucy has. Lucy was seventeen when she became a slayer. She is a product of Willow’s spell. One slayer died and another (Lucy) was born. There wasn’t a big blam or incident but she noticed she was stronger, she was faster and then the vampires started showing up. Part of being a slayer is enhanced instincts and she managed to fumble by with those the first couple of times. Eventually she saw the commercial that Andrew Wells put out in an attempt to reach all of the new slayers. She contacted the number on the screen and a watcher was sent out to talk to her. The first suggestion was to move Lucy to Scotland with the other slayers. Lucy’s parents refused to do that because she belonged with her family [her dad’s words]. The watcher stayed, trained Lucy as well as he could in the short amount of time he had. He had other slayers to induct and made Lucy a bit of a business stop whenever he was in the area. Lucy isn’t the best slayer. She doesn’t know how to use a crossbow accurately and her idea of a quarterstaff is to use it as a beating stick. She is serious about her duty in the sense that she’s aware that if she doesn’t do it, people are going to die. Lucy doesn’t want that on her head. She doesn’t think anyone would so she patrols, she slays and she hopes that the day she’s not good enough is a long way away. She trains on a regular basis, works on her up close hand to hand combat and tries to stay away from long range attack because she’s never going to be a good aim from a distance.

Becoming a slayer didn’t negate Lucy’s clumsiness and it didn’t give her superstar accuracy the way it does with most slayers. Sometimes genetics just pwn magical gifts. Her father is incredibly clumsy as well. Her mother actually forbid him to put a shop in the garage because of it citing that she ‘refused to be married to a man with missing fingers’. Despite Lucy’s semi-fail as a slayer, it can’t be taken back. It can’t be undone. She is a slayer and there aren’t spells to undo that. In the interest of truth, she is likely to die sooner than someone more competent. However, to make up for the half fail, she got uncanny luck when it comes to slaying. It all has to even out somewhere. Things happen like, Lucy trips, falls and the vamp pursuing her trips as well but he falls on broken palettes and ends up dust. She always claims that God is entirely too entertained by her to let her die. As a slayer, Lucy patrols, she trains but slaying isn’t Lucy’s whole life and it’s never going to be. Lucy is the epitome of what Buffy wanted when she made all the slayers. She’s a slayer that chose instead of a slayer that was chosen.

She was a cheerleader in high school in spite of her clumsiness. Many football games ended in injuries but nothing more serious than a broken arm, concussion or broken leg. When Lucy was 16 she did what every 16 year old cheerleader was supposed to do and she went out with the Quarterback of the football team. Like any 16 year old girl, she fell in love quickly, easily and Mike Wilson ended up being her first. Everything was fine for several weeks until she caught him at a party with one of the other cheerleaders. A few weeks later she found out she was pregnant. For better or worse, she didn’t tell Mike-refusing to give him the satisfaction of knowing the full extent that he’d hurt her-and went to an abortion clinic with a fake ID and five hundred dollars meant for a shopping trip. She went with Jill and never told her parents or Mike. That kicked off her commitment issues and she only padded them with a string of bad date choices over the years.

After graduation-Lucy was never driven enough to be a good student, settling for average-Lucy’s watcher, at Buffy’s behest, suggested a relocation and Buffy had the perfect spot in mind. It was arranged that Angel, currently located in LA in a post s5 refurbished Hyperion Hotel, would be Lucy’s watcher. Her idea was put the best with the worst; it was Lucy’s best chance at surviving past the age of twenty five and Angel is the most patient person Buffy knows. Besides, it’s not good for Angel (or anyone) to be alone. Lucy would insure that Angel didn’t brood too much or lock himself away from the world. It was also a bit of a show of faith on Buffy’s part in Angel. She only half jokingly tells Angel that Lucy is his redemption. There are some days when Angel is fairly certain, Buffy is right. They both know that Lucy isn’t ever going to be a weapon in the way that most slayers are. She scrapes by (as she does in most things in life). Lucy is enrolled in UCLA majoring in Philosophy. Her father insists she either go to school or go to work. She picked school and the reasoning for Philosophy was that as far as Lucy can tell, philosopher’s don’t really do anything. That’s precisely what Lucy aspires to do, plus shopping. She is currently solidly average in her school work, occasionally fluctuating over to academic probation before wandering back to solidly average. She’s been a college student for nearly four years.

[**As I write both Buffy whattingawhat and Angel stillbrooding for various prompt communities I put Lucy into the world in this way primarily to give her a family and a life to prompt about. As you can see from the pieces listed, she’s been in that world for a while. However this will not affect Angel in Acairnia because he is pulled from before he knows Lucy. I also realize that should anymore Btvs characters come along, I cannot expect them to recognize or accept her in any way. ]

Example tag:
Really, it wasn’t the time to be painting her toenails but the smoky violet color was so pretty, Lucy couldn’t help herself. She’d been on patrol when she’d seen the new OPI collection and she just couldn’t help herself. The coffee shop was just up the sidewalk from the beauty supply and mochas were a necessary evil. Which is a very long explanation for why Lucy was now sitting outside on the patio, a mocha next to her elbow, one iridescent, purple stiletto on the ground, one bare foot on the table. She was just finishing up her pinky toe when that stupid, silly slayer sense went off. Vampire-four o’clock. Or something like that since she didn’t really know what the whole clock thing meant. It was 10:17 right now.

A quick check of the area clued her in that the guy in the really bad 90’s punk clothing was probably a vampire and the girl he was walking with, probably didn’t know that. All of that, meant her left foot was going to have to wait. Lucy scooped up her shoe and started hobbling after the ‘couple’. She stopped by a table with a guy on a laptop.

“Okay, hate to interrupt your porn surfing time but that’s my mocha and my nailpolish and my bag over there. Any chance you could make sure no one steals it?” Lucy asked, pointing over to the table. “Kay, thanks,” she said, hobbling off without waiting for an answer.

She paused half way down the alley, breaking a chair leg off a chair that was already broken and had been discarded. She hobbled on the ball of her foot in an attempt to preserve her pedicure-in-process.

“Hello! Helpless little blonde thing in the alley,” Lucy chimed out, her words echoing off the buildings around her. The abrupt ceasing of a scuffle clued her into the fact that vampire boy knew she was there. Good, maybe she wouldn’t have to chase him down and she could return to her mocha and her pretty violet toes shortly.

She rounded the corner, an alley behind buildings instead of between them and saw the vamp and his girl. He had his hand over her mouth and he was looking around a little confused.

“Hi, hello,” Lucy quipped. “I’m supposed to meet my boyfriend at the Spider Club like so a half hour ago and I think I’m lost.”

“Get out of here,” the vampire spat. “I ain’t a directory service.” The girl was looking at her with wide, pleading eyes and making whimpering sounds.

“Well that’s just rude. Momma told me people in LA would be rude but I didn’t wanna believe it. You know you’re being a stereotype and I’ve got a pedicure to finish and the boyfriend is a cover…well he’s not but he’s not meeting me at the Spider Club. He’s on a plane between Virginia and who knows where. So not the point. Anyway, let her go and then we’ll talk and I’ll pedicure and my mocha is getting cold.”

Either out of pure annoyance or confusion, the vampire loosened his hold on the woman just enough that she could break free and run of out of the alley screaming. Lucy glanced down at her toes, a frown on her face because there was dirt imbedded in the still tacky nailpolish. Great…she was going to have to wait until she got home, take the polish off and redo that whole foot.

It was in the middle of this contemplation that she was lifted off the ground by her throat. She flailed a little, dropping the make-shift stake and almost dropping the purple stiletto. She caught it by bringing her elbow quickly against her side, pinning the shoe against her side, heel digging into her ribs. Whew, that would have left a nasty scuff. It was easier to focus on that than the fact that right now, she couldn’t really breathe. Lucy drove the heel of her right, still shoe-clad, foot into the vampire’s groin. He made a pitiful sound that resembled a whale’s mating call, let her go and stumbled backwards a little. Lucy was still clutching the shoe (it was a Manolo) as she scrabbled for the makeshift stake she’d dropped. Her fingers curled around the warm wood just as the vampire decided to cut his losses, take his balls and stumble off into the night. Lucy threw the stake with all her strength, aiming for the heart and keeping her fingers and toes (only not the left toes, pedicure had been abused enough thank you very much) crossed.

Her daddy had taken her hunting once when she was eight. Only once. A truck windshield and tire later, he decided Lucy just didn’t have the aptitude for hunting. Becoming a slayer hadn’t improved her aim. The stake struck the vampire just to the left of his spine, driving through his body and making him fall to his knees but no dust.

Lucy looked around wildly for another sharp, wooden and pointy thing before the vampire regained his feet and disappeared, sorely wounded, into the night.

“Well crap…”

Heels were made of wood.

She really loved those shoes.

Vampire getting up. Last chance. Save the shoe, save the pedicure or save the world…or at least someone in the world, potentially someones.

Lucy’s fashion preservation compass might be off but her moral compass wasn’t. At least not in this case. Second shot was a bullseye but she knew even before she hobbled over to retrieve her shoe, it was a total loss.

Manolo scuffed. Pedicure ruined. This night sucked.

Example journal:

[Video shows Lucy a little bedraggled looking. She’s got a smear of blood across her cheek…or possibly that’s her MAC red lipstick…no…no…that’s blood. She shoves her hair out of her face and glares at the camera]

Mmmmkay. Seriously? This is a Anna Sui. Not one of her Gossip Girl Target knockoffs. And that

[The camera jerkily pans down to show a dead drop bear then back up to her face]

Got…spit and goo and also ripped the Anna Sui. There better be a gift shop where I can replace this. Preferably with more Anna Sui…or maybe with one of those cheesy I went to Acairnia and all I got was this lousy tee shirt shirts…

acairnia application

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