Sep 04, 2008 17:09
Things that make me feel better when I have a bad dream/bad day/bad year whatever
*Jill. BFF since we were like 5 so it goes without saying she knows how to make me feel better.
*Pretty Boy. Preferably in person but on the phone works. Especially at night when I call and wake him up and his voice is all sleep rumpled and sexy.
*Big Al, my stuffed elephant. I’ve had him since I was like 7.
*Hot Tea with enough sugar to induce a sugar coma.
*Being told I’m pretty.
*Listening to Sweet Home Alabama
*Calling home. Sometimes I just call and if no one is there, I’ll talk to the maid. Her name is Christine. I just miss the accents. Besides, she’s used to ‘Miss Lucy’s’ eccentricities
*Organizing something. I love organizing. It makes me feel like I’m putting my life in order.
[prompt] make your list