Apr 10, 2004 09:46
the past few days have be rawther uneventful. i'm finally not grounded anymore, last night i went with matt, kacey, tony, angela, valerie, ellen, johnathon, and tyler to a party at BJ's. after we tried FOREVER to get there and then johnathon realized that he knew where we were trying to go the ENTIRE TIME! but yea after being there for half an hour it get broke up by the cops! i was so scared! and i was laughing so hard at everyone running through the woods. OMG!
so yea, i've decided to go on a HAUNTED PLACES NC TOUR! i need people to go with me though, so if anyone wants to go.... so far i've decided to go to Payne Road, Jamestown Bridge, the Hacker House, Hobbs House(if i can get in), Richfield Road, Cross creek country club (if i can get in), acid park, the Gramley building (if i can get in) and there are some others that i'm debating on. but i anyone knows of anywhere or wants to go with me ,that would be UBERCOOL!