
Aug 25, 2010 20:54


1. Credit i_whore in your keywords for icons, not in your user info, journal entry or any other random place, in PICTURE KEYWORDS. Below is an example of what it should look like. You can edit your picture keywords here

For headers or any other resource of mine you use, credit on your user info or your own credit/resource page is fine.

2. Comment. It's my crack, and it's how I know what people like, wanna see more of, and that I am not all doing this to just waste time.

3. Do not hotlink any of my work. This is non-negotiable! I pay for every one of my image hosts. The one I do not pay for is graciously hosted by someone who does. What is hotlinking? Read read here to find out

4. Do not alter any of my work! This includes adding your user name to a header, using multiple icons of mine to animate them or put any of my finished graphics into your own work. If I catch you doing it you will be banned and I will make your life miserable.

5. Do not redistribute my work. This means do not put it in any other community or website to share be it as your own or crediting me. Instead post a link to my journal.

6. Do not claim my work as your own. If I catching you do this you will pray for death when I am finished with you.

7. Enjoy!


1. What programs do you use to create your graphics?
I use Photoshop CS for graphics, Power DVD to screencap, and Filezilla to FTP.

2. Do you take requests?
No I no longer take requests of any kind for anyone, However I can be comissioned to do work. You may find information and rates here

3. Can you send me your copy of PS?
No I cannot, simply because I do not have the time to wait for that kind of transfer to go through, and tie up my computer in the process, it's not expense just buy it, or download a trial, there are many ways to get around the 60 days.

4. Will you write a tutorial for ____________?
No. I suck at explaining things, and half the time I don't do things the traditional way PS designs them to be done, alot of my work is happy accidents.

5. Can you explain to me how to use Photoshop?
No, sorry. While I would love to help everyone who wants to learn, I literally get this question at least once a day, if I helped you all I would never get anything done. Try searching LJ or Google for Photoshop tutorials or help communities. Thats how I learned.

6. Where can I find images of____________?
I am really getting tired of this question. You have the same acess to the internet I have. Try searching google images. If you want to know where I got a specific image feel free to ask or check my resources, but I will no longer research images for people who randomly message me.

7. Will you screencap________for me?
I don't take screencap requests. Know that I will cap every episode of charmed as it airs, no need to request those. As for movies, I cap hard to find movies. If for example you want caps of Harry potter, the answer would be no, but if you have searched far and wide for caps of say....Sixteen Candles and are really desperate it cannot hurt to ask.

8. Can I use your icons on other sites/Journals?
Sure, as long as you credit i_whore@livejournal.

9. Can I have all your charmed screencaps in a zip file?
Sometimes I will randomly upload zip files of my charmed caps, but I do not do it by request.

10. I am making a ___________ website, can I use your screencaps in my gallery?
The fact you asked will get the answer yes, if you upload to your own server, and credit me by provding a link to this journal.

11.How do I join this community?
This is a personal icon journal in community format so it's easier for me to maintain. All you have to do is click the join button on the user info. But keep in mind that no one but me gets posting acess.

12. Can we be affilates?
I used to have affilates but recently I have noticed that 3 people joined specifically for the purpose of gaining the 600+ members of this journal as possible members of their own, for that reason I have to say no. I see no point in affilates anyways.


1. I am a horrid speller and don't care about grammar, if I misspell something on an icon feel free to point it out I will fix it. If I misspell something in general info on an entry, really I can do without the notification I really don't care.

2. Again I say this is a personal icon journal even though it is in a community format, Please don't "chat" in the comments. I appreciate it thanks.

3. I use tiny text....ALOT. If you don't like it, I don't care, sorry I will no longer defend my use of it, I use it, get over it.

4. I love you all and thank you for being a member.
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