Feb 16, 2006 10:07
Thank fuck Valentines Day is over and done with. It was during Vday that a I realised Retail/ Customer service is definately the career path for me.
As most of you would know I can not fucking stand Valentines Day, now let me show you my Valentines Day Sale skills!
Customer: Oh what lovely Valentine's Day cakes!
Me: (Enter cheesy smile) Yes they are aren't they.
C: Oh they are and I bet you'll be taking some home for your man?
Note: I got so sick of repeating myself over the last 4 days for the next part to come out of my mouth
M: Oh god know. I hate Valentine's Day.
C: Oh so your single then!
M: (Rolls eyes) I might be but that's not my point.
C: No, I'd understand you'd be quite sad on Valentine's Day
M: Yes I will feel sad, feel sad for all these people getting sucked into buying pressies, in which the shops have jacked u there prices by 3!
C: Oh but its the thought that counts.
M: I prefer the day after Vday, when everything is half price.
On that note, my flatmate rescued me from a FUCKING HUGE HUNTSMAN Spider! Poor Sammy had to hear me screaming (over the phone) whilst Tam chased this spider around our loungeroom. Oh yeah did I mention that I was outside? So bought her a belated Vday pressie for saving my life, the day after Vday!
I should also get young Sammy a Vday pressie for helping me through a pretty bad night. I love Ya girl!
Also dont forget: 9.30 TONIGHT CH 9.......FARNSEY!
Now I must go find something to wear for my first day with Team Kodak