another update?

Jul 11, 2005 22:18

fridaii~ummm jason came over nd we umm chilled? haha umm we played pong...cuz wer ghetto lyke that...then we ate dinner...then me jason nd lex watched cheaper by the dozen...then we took him home nd my mom was reversing out of the drive waii nd lyke it turns nd she didnt...nd it was lyke rainin rele bad nd she got lyke stuck...haha it was so0o funnii...cuase they lyke just got hte grass...we wer lyke freaking out cause we thought we wer stuck...haha it was funnii...

saturdaii~jason nd jon came nd got me nd we went 2 thier house nd hung out then me jarett jason his mom and dad all went 2 go c the fantastic 4...jarett took his shirt off during the movie...haha i was lmao...then jason was lyke dad can u take lauren home later...nd he goes no! there r no bushes 4 me 2 run over...haha i was laughin so0o hard...cause he saw wut we did...haha lmao...then we went 2 joeys pizza...then me jon jen n jason watched diary of a mad black women nd then jon took me home

sundaii~jasons parent came nd got me nd then we 2 thier house nd we watched the hostage...then me jon jason jarett nd thier parents all went nd saw mr and mrs smith...then jon dropped me nd jason off at my house nd we play me new xbox! yes i got xbox!whoot whoot!then we "chilled" haha lmao...then james nd jessie got there n we had dinner...ryan cooked sum good ass food! then we watched baseball? wut fun? i got 2 c jessie pa pictures...i miss pa...i was suppposed 2 go but i had 2 climb threw i fucking window...gwad im dumb...haha then we took jason home...

todaii~ i went 2 work wit my mom...she payin me so0o i was good...haha lmao...i helped out deb nd linda...haha nerky called this 1 lady miss horny...haha it was so0o funni cause her last name was horne...but sense shes from cuba she thought it was horny...i was lyke dying...then i answerd the fone nd i was lyke good morning dr laurens office this is lynn was so0o funni...then ryan nd raphel came nd we had lunch nd ryan got his teeth cleand..so0o todaii was an okaii daii...also todaii jason left 4 tampa 4 a week 4 baseball...well i gtg cause ihave 2 get up at 6:45

ex oh

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