Feb 02, 2005 10:31
well first off i am sick with senioritus i want out of this school so bad. i can't wait to go to baker and have my dorm room and be somewhat independent. Jessica Janes is also going to baker so we can dorm together.
well i would really like to know if anyone has heard from keleigh. i heard that she is at her mom's but i have not heard from her. i am starting to get a little worried i miss her so much. i heard that her and mike broke up. but i don't know. i just wish i she would call me.
well as most of u know me and josh are not together anymore. i like a guy named nathan he is 26 and has a son but that doesn't matter we are going to see what happens when he gets back from oklamhoma. i hope it goes well he is a sweet guy.
this is just a warning to everyone who reads this if u are at a party and u see Erick Trombly just leave even though he may seem cool with everything he is a little bitch he will tell the cops.
well i guess this is it for now. talk to y'all later.