who said i didnt appreciatte those things, i always said that, you understood my issues, or so i thought...even when i had no money, still found some to give you, always offered. see, yall used this against deusch bag, i mean really, grow up, you gave in to tori everytime she USED you for a ride, i told you that, what changed? It has nothing to do with me getting my truck fixed and using you for a ride, i hardly use the truck as it is......ive been in the car. anyway, we can play point/counter-point all day, but the real issue is that when people decide not to get along, no one tries to fix it and it says a lot about a friendship, i know you and josh all too well, and yall want nothing more to be right and to come out smelling like a million bucks...but have you ever gotten that feeling like you werent wanted around based on the way people were acting and you didnt want to jump to conclusions, you wanted to sit it out and hope it would end, then it doesnt, the best thing to do is just leave....ive been singled out before by yall, my mistake the second time around
you got that feeling cause thats how we felt....we didnt want your stupid ass around.....wow you got two things right....good job we always smell like a million bucks....and we sure as hell dont smell like grandpa cologn shit...
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