Jan 11, 2015 19:59
There's a naked tetherball in the playground area.
All right, at this point, we are still waiting for final approval for a house. 2 months and we're still being dicked around by the company. It seems to be hinged upon whether we can hang on long enough for the credit scores to recover or grow sick of the constant requests for more paperwork. One would think that entities in the same criminal enterprise would communicate a little better. I guess it takes too fucking long to forward relevant paperwork in a file, let alone the entire file.
"Yes, I know you sent it to them, but they are them, and I am me, and I don't have it, so, I need it, and no, I won't send it to the next person in this conga line to hell either." This should be the motto of the finance industry.
We keep getting requests for the same bit of information, mainly the property tax and income tax documents, that cover two things, the value of the land without the trailer, and mum's job. The first is that the property is valued at 12k without the trailer, but we owe 32k, and the company is wanting us to pay a fee/down payment/blood of the first born, something, but they can't agree on how much, if anything. As for the second issue, Experian still has my mum listed as working for a job she quit 2 1/2 years and 5 jobs ago.
For some completely batshit reason, people keep using the credit agencies. And people in the industry wonder why everyone else wishes they'd die in horrible, yet creative, ways.