Dec 25, 2014 03:11
Well, I slept 7 hours last night, it's a new record for the past 2 weeks. I feel a little better.
It's christmas morning and there's no presents under the tree. It's so damn depressing. Mum was sneaky and got me dried fruit and trail mix before they left, telling me it was for her friend at work who was on a diet when she got it. My real presents, mum's words not mine, I will get next month when we can afford it. From dad, I got a drake Pekin duck, my cousins gave me a pair of Mascovy chicks that were given to her by the same woman I got mine from. The ones I have already are wild breeds, as they are so tiny, the Pekins are bigger than my males, and that's a little disappointing. The new ones, one is yellow like my first mascovies, the other looks like a wild. Small muscovies and a flock that's not laying. Disappointing birds! GET A JOB!
Tonight, I have the traditional dinner of my adopted Jewish stereotype: Chinese!