i_try_hard's LiveJournal popularity rating is 1.71/10. i_try_hard is more popular than 62.9% of all LiveJournal users. i_try_hard is more popular than 0.0% of their mutual friends.
Did I see you at a store downtown the other day, and you talked to me for a sec as I was on my way out the door?? Cause if so, I wanted to apologize. I totally spaced and had that "why is she familiar? I can't place how I know her!" thing going on.
And if that wasn't you... then your dopple ganger works at a skater clothing shop.
that was me!! i figured you didn't recognize me, so I tried to post in your lj that it was me, but it wouldn't let me post b/c i'm not listed as a "friend" so i reasoned that you just didn't like me much :( :(
Comments 3
Did I see you at a store downtown the other day, and you talked to me for a sec as I was on my way out the door?? Cause if so, I wanted to apologize. I totally spaced and had that "why is she familiar? I can't place how I know her!" thing going on.
And if that wasn't you... then your dopple ganger works at a skater clothing shop.
- Caro, the space cadet
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