I know You'll never see it, cause You don't like any things like this. But it doesn't matter.
Because I know that You always feel all my emotions and know how much I love you.
I can't explain this, but I've been always proud of You. Always. Even when we really had problems.. or when, being too small to understand our happinness of having each other, we just couldn't stand each other, fighting and quarreling all the time. This time passed long ago. Now I even miss it so much. Cause I can't now just cross the corridor and enter your room just to say hi to You, to pinch You or to poke my finger into your stomach or just to hang out with you there for a little while.
I've been always proud of that fact that ...
That You are so talented. And You really ARE. Everybody knows it.
Of that fact that all my girlfriends always fell in love with You=)) And no wonder by the way) .
Of that fact that ... that You are always just exactly who You really are, no more, no less...
Of that fact that ... You just ARE, that You exist and You are my brother. And no way=)
But now I'm proud again. Cause now I really believe that everything is gonna be alright with You. Even can't imagine that just several months have passed since You phoned me and asked to meet with You for talking. I was scared then... And not without reason..It seemed to me that it couldn't be worse. Even now I remember that day - weird, our meeting - weird, our conversation - weird..
But it doesn't matter now any more. Thank You for doing this. I love You, my darling BROTHER. I wish You were happy...
And You, certainly You=) Welcome to our family. You have been always welcomed here, You know this!
So there is one more Alyokhina Elena now in this world=) And in this family there are two of us as well))
P.S^ And one more thing..
Thank You... for everything..
Even for punk-rock, for example=))) I know, It can seem ridiculous but still... it means so much in my life that you just can' imagine). I remember the day You showed it to me =) And other things like this..
But seriously..You've influenced my life much..
PHOTOS BY STUPIDITYYY Thank You, honey!!!!!)