Feb 09, 2006 22:45
6 questions to emily
1 how do u put up with me
not very easy. you cancel yourself out actually. parts of you that get annoying (lol) are made up by the parts that help me through everything. :)
2 why do u put up with me
cause no one else has ever put the time into being my friend like you have.
3 what are u afraid of ( in the future ) that has nothing to do with nick
life in general. and how the hell im gonna survive
4 how much money do i have in my wallet
enough to pay for nicks dinner and gas money tomorrow ;) lol
5 who is my fav band of all time ?
swollen members? lol
6 if u had to pick someone for me to marry who would it be
i have no idea. theres never been a girl you havent complained about. :)