(no subject)

Aug 18, 2006 02:53

sorry for the random parade of entries, i have a lot of time on my hands.
speaking of parades i was sweapt away in a midnight parade of indian chanting and singing and festivities today, but i had gelato so i was in my safe place at the time.

moving on to bigger news, liz has a bad case a whooping cough. shes had it for about three weeks now, and it is HIGHLY contagious. the only thing is its contagious only for the first wee and liz wasnt in rome then, she was, oh thats right, visiting ME back in new paltz. so i probably have it laying dormant in my system and it should arise from hybernation shortly. the funny thing is that its still contagious even if its dormant so since ive been in contact with the entire art department and half of the archetecture department, i probably infected them all, so we'll all get whooping cough. im excited for it. everyone will be gasping together but we'll all have our own distinct gasps and coughs so itll be great. i laugh, then asphyxiate and gasp and cough and thatll make me laugh again and itll start a never ending cycle until 8 weeks goes by and whooping cough leaves.

but seriously, whooping cough is scary. ive NEVER seen something like it. you cough and you cough really hard so you lose all your air and then you cant breathe and you have to suck in air and it sounds like youre dying and choking and liz is scared to go to sleep at night out of fear of dying but now shes fine and on codine so she can sleep.
go whooping cough, its yo birfday.
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